Reputation: 708
I am new to windows batch programming. I need to write a loop function to execute a task if a specific error is found. Please see the code below.
I'm having a problem with the Find, which is looking for Kitchen.Error.NoRepDefinied. The script executes five times even though the find key word is not found.
Please help me identify the problem, and explain what is wrong here. Any help is appreciated. I am using Windows Server 2012 R2.
set /a x=0
if %x% leq 5 (
echo %x%
call abc.exe > C:\Logs\App_Error.log
set file=C:\Logs\App_error.log
set /a cnt=0
for /f %%a in ('type "%file%"^|find "!Kitchen.Error.NoRepDefinied!" /i /c') do set /a cnt=%%a
if !cnt! NEQ 0 (
if !x! NEQ 5 (
DEL C:\Logs\App_error.log
set /a x=x+1
goto :while1
echo The Status is %errorlevel%
exit /b %errorlevel%
Upvotes: 2
Views: 240
Reputation: 70971
Simplify the code.
Loop (up to 5 times) calling the process. If the process does not return errorlevel, if in the log file the searched string is not found, then leave the loop.
set "logFile=c:\logs\App_Error.log"
for /l %%x in (1 1 5) do (
echo Loop %%x
> "%logFile%" call abc.exe
if not errorlevel 1 (
find "Kitchen.Error.NoRepDefinied" "%logFile%" >nul 2>&1 || goto :endLoop
I'm not sure about the errorlevel
value you are trying to get.
Upvotes: 1