Reputation: 857
I am trying out the I type something to the console and hit enter and I get tons of stack traces to the console like this. Appreciate any pointers.
The command to launch the producer is:
./bin/ --broker-list localhost:2181 --topic test
Then I type some string and hit enter and see the following in the console.
[2014-11-24 15:27:36,022] ERROR fetching topic metadata for topics [Set(test)] from broker [ArrayBuffer(id:0,host:localhost,port:2181)] failed (kafka.utils.Utils$)
kafka.common.KafkaException: fetching topic metadata for topics [Set(test)] from broker [ArrayBuffer(id:0,host:localhost,port:2181)] failed
at kafka.client.ClientUtils$.fetchTopicMetadata(ClientUtils.scala:67)
at kafka.producer.BrokerPartitionInfo.updateInfo(BrokerPartitionInfo.scala:82)
at kafka.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler$$anonfun$handle$2.apply$mcV$sp(DefaultEventHandler.scala:78)
at kafka.utils.Utils$.swallow(Utils.scala:167)
at kafka.utils.Logging$class.swallowError(Logging.scala:106)
at kafka.utils.Utils$.swallowError(Utils.scala:46)
at kafka.producer.async.DefaultEventHandler.handle(DefaultEventHandler.scala:78)
at kafka.producer.async.ProducerSendThread.tryToHandle(ProducerSendThread.scala:104)
at kafka.producer.async.ProducerSendThread$$anonfun$processEvents$3.apply(ProducerSendThread.scala:87)
at kafka.producer.async.ProducerSendThread$$anonfun$processEvents$3.apply(ProducerSendThread.scala:67)
at scala.collection.immutable.Stream.foreach(Stream.scala:547)
at kafka.producer.async.ProducerSendThread.processEvents(ProducerSendThread.scala:66)
Caused by: Received -1 when reading from channel, socket has likely been closed.
at kafka.utils.Utils$.read(Utils.scala:376)
at kafka.producer.SyncProducer.liftedTree1$1(SyncProducer.scala:74)
at kafka.producer.SyncProducer.kafka$producer$SyncProducer$$doSend(SyncProducer.scala:71)
at kafka.producer.SyncProducer.send(SyncProducer.scala:112)
at kafka.client.ClientUtils$.fetchTopicMetadata(ClientUtils.scala:53)
... 12 more
I see a warning on the zookeeper console as well:
WARN Exception causing close of session 0x0 due to (org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn)
I used the following to setup my topic:
./bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --topic test
and I am able to list my topic:
./bin/ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
Upvotes: 14
Views: 15357
Reputation: 222869
This is because you are starting your consumer in a wrong way. If you will check the official documentation, you can see that you have to:
start Zookeper
bin/ config/
start Kafka
bin/ config/
create a topic
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test
start producing messages for a topic
bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test
Notice the difference: you are connecting to zookeper (port 2181) you need to connect to a broker (port 9092)
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 23881
Your broker-list
argument is pointing to Zookeeper instead of the actual broker.
The proper usage would be:
./bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test
assuming your broker runs on port 9092
You can refer here for more information (your issue is described in Step 4: Send some messages
Upvotes: 22