I'm trying to use the aprior package, but need to factor my data first. I have a data table. Some of the columns have fewer than 3 factors (true/false, 0/1), and others are continuous variables.
It appears that I need to factor the table as follows
1) skip the key variables
2) leave the true/false columns alone
3) factor if there are less than 6 unique values
4) for more than 5 unique values, then factor by quantile
The code example below meets these goals, and apriori is running (now).
I get a warning that I have trouble understanding. Can someone explain the warning, and how to correct it?
nSamples = 5000
dat <- data.table(id1=sample(seq(10000,10300),nSamples,replace=T),
tfvar = sample(c(T,F),nSamples,replace=T),
contvar = runif(nSamples,1,2.3),
disvar = sample(c(1,2),nSamples,replace=T))
colsToFactor <- setdiff(names(dat),key(dat))
cdat <- dat
myfact<-function(x) {
if (typeof(x)== 'logical') {
nux <- length(unique(x))
if (nux<3) {
cx <- factor(x)
} else {
cx <- cut2(x,g=5)
myprint<-function(xl) {
if (is.factor(xl)) {
} else {
print('not a factor')
cdat[,(colsToFactor):=lapply(.SD, myfact),.SDcols=colsToFactor]
jnk<-cdat[, lapply(.SD, myprint)]
Here is the output
[1] "not a factor"
[1] "not a factor"
[1] "not a factor"
[1] "[1.00,1.27)" "[1.27,1.53)" "[1.53,1.79)" "[1.79,2.04)" "[2.04,2.30]"
[1] "1" "2"
id1 id2 tfvar contvar disvar
1: 10000 4 FALSE [1.53,1.79) 2
2: 10000 15 FALSE [2.04,2.30] 2
3: 10000 18 FALSE [1.53,1.79) 2
4: 10000 22 TRUE [1.00,1.27) 1
5: 10000 22 FALSE [1.00,1.27) 2
4996: 10300 81 FALSE [1.00,1.27) 2
4997: 10300 89 TRUE [1.79,2.04) 2
4998: 10300 89 TRUE [1.79,2.04) 1
4999: 10300 90 TRUE [1.79,2.04) 1
5000: 10300 93 FALSE [1.00,1.27) 1
And the warning message is
Warning message:
In :
Item 5 is of size 2 but maximum size is 5 (recycled leaving a remainder of 1 items)
How to get rid of this warning?
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Views: 468
The problem is in the print statement
should be
print(paste('factor(s) are',paste(levels(xl),collapse=', ')))
That modification removes the warning.
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