Reputation: 87
I'm new in Scala so started from reading "Scala in Action" book 2013 year. But I cannot build plain sbt WeKanban2 project. I use newer version scala and sbt then in example. I get error when run sbt:
error: object github is not a member of package com import com.github.siasia.WebPlugin._
//was sbt.version=0.12.0
// was libraryDependencies <+= sbtVersion(v => "com.github.siasia" %% "xsbt-eb-plugin" (v+"-"))
addSbtPlugin("com.earldouglas" % "xsbt-web-plugin" % "0.7.0")
import com.github.siasia.WebPlugin._
name := "weKanban"
organization := "scalainaction"
version := "0.2"
//was: scalaVersion := "2.10.0"
scalaVersion := "2.11.4"
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-unchecked", "-deprecation")
resolvers ++= Seq(
"Scala-Tools Maven2 Releases Repository" at "",
"Scala-Tools Maven2 Snapshots Repository" at ""
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.scalaz" %% "scalaz-core" % scalazVersion,
"org.scalaz" %% "scalaz-http" % scalazVersion,
"org.eclipse.jetty" % "jetty-servlet" % jettyVersion % "container",
"org.eclipse.jetty" % "jetty-webapp" % jettyVersion % "test, container",
"org.eclipse.jetty" % "jetty-server" % jettyVersion % "container",
"com.h2database" % "h2" % "1.2.137",
"org.squeryl" % "squeryl_2.10" % "0.9.5-6"
seq(webSettings :_*)
import sbt._
import Keys._
object H2TaskManager {
var process: Option[Process] = None
lazy val H2 = config("h2") extend(Compile)
val startH2 = TaskKey[Unit]("start", "Starts H2 database")
val startH2Task = startH2 in H2 <<= (fullClasspath in Compile) map { cp =>
def startDatabase(paths: Seq[String]) = {
process match {
case None =>
val cp = paths.mkString(System.getProperty("path.seperator"))
val command = "java -cp " + cp + ""
println("Starting Database with command: " + command)
process = Some(Process(command).run())
println("Database started ! ")
case Some(_) =>
println("H2 Database already started")
val stopH2 = TaskKey[Unit]("stop", "Stops H2 database")
val stopH2Task = stopH2 in H2 :={
process match {
case None => println("Database already stopped")
case Some(_) =>
println("Stopping database...")
process = None
println("Database stopped...")
object MainBuild extends Build {
import H2TaskManager._
lazy val scalazVersion = "6.0.3"
lazy val jettyVersion = "7.3.0.v20110203"
lazy val wekanban = Project(
file(".")) settings(startH2Task, stopH2Task)}
What should I do to fix this error? What should I do to start app from Idea 14 in debug mode?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4023
Reputation: 19011
Probably not related exactly to this package but similar. The library was present in sbt and everything looked ok. But I still was unable to build the project so I went to my $HOME/.ivy2/cache
located the dependency directory and deleted it, then went back the $PROJECT_HOME/
and executed sbt build
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 12631
Your import
import com.github.siasia.WebPlugin._
failed to find path github and below. In your plugins.sbt you wrote:
// was libraryDependencies <+= sbtVersion(v => "com.github.siasia" %% "xsbt-eb-plugin" (v+"-"))
addSbtPlugin("com.earldouglas" % "xsbt-web-plugin" % "0.7.0")
The github-path probably existed in the outcommented com.github.siasia.xsbt-eb-plugin. However the com.earldouglas.xsbt-web-plugin have only the path com.earldouglas.xwp. You should check out if any of the classes there ( resembles what you need to import.
Upvotes: 0