Reputation: 13116
I have the following:
$test = [pscustomobject]@{
First = "Donald";
Middle = "Fauntleroy";
Last = "Duck";
Age = 80
$test | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | % {"$($_.Name)="}
which prints:
Age= First= Last= Middle=
I would like to extract the value from each property and have it included as the value for my name value pairs so it would look like:
Age=80 First=Donald Last=Duck Middle=Fauntleroy
I am trying to build a string and do not know the property names ahead of time. How do I pull the values to complete my name value pairs?
Upvotes: 15
Views: 31530
Reputation: 1
While this doesn't format as requested it does allow for additional processing and doesn't require additional variables.
$Test.psobject.members `
| Where-Object MemberType -EQ 'NoteProperty' `
| Select-Object name,value
Name Value
---- -----
Age 80
First Donald
Last Duck
Middle Fauntleroy
To achieve requested formatting
$Test.psobject.members `
| Where-Object MemberType -EQ 'NoteProperty' `
| Foreach-Object {
"$($ = $($_.value)"
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 202
A shorter way for this old problem. You can use:
$test.PSObject.Properties | %{Write-Output "$($_.Name)=$($_.Value)"}
If you want to access some field programmatically in runtime, by using variable as a field selector, then you can use:
$myProperty = "Age"
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 24846
I use:
$MyObjectProperties = Get-Member -InputObject $MyObject -MemberType NoteProperty
$MyObjectProperties | % {
$PropertyName = $_.Name
$PropertyValue = $MyObject."$PropertyName"
# ...
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 41
My variant:
$memberNames = ($test | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Name
foreach ($mname in $memberNames) {
"{0}={1}" -f $mname,$Test."$mname"
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1926
Not sure if it is really better, but here's one more variant:
$test.psobject.Members | ? {$_.Membertype -eq "noteproperty"} |
%{ $_.Name + '='+ $_.Value }
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 14558
Shorter, more PowerShell'ish option:
$test | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | % Name | %{
$_ + '=' + $test.$_
Upvotes: 11
Reputation: 13116
The only way I could find (so far) is to do something like:
$test = [pscustomobject]@{
First = "Donald";
Middle = "Fauntleroy";
Last = "Duck";
Age = 80
$props = Get-Member -InputObject $test -MemberType NoteProperty
foreach($prop in $props) {
$propValue = $test | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $prop.Name
$prop.Name + "=" + $propValue
The key is using -ExpandProperty
Upvotes: 22