Reputation: 4412
For fun I'm attempting to write an implementation of the naive longest path algorithm (for finding the length of the longest acyclic path in a cyclic graph). I started with a direct port of the imperative algorithm, which worked and performed fairly well.
data Route = Route {dest:: !Int32, cost:: !Int32}
type Node = [Route]
lPathImperative :: V.Vector Node -> Int32 -> UMV.IOVector Bool -> IO (Int32)
lPathImperative !nodes !nodeID !visited = do
UMV.write visited (fromIntegral nodeID) True
max <- newIORef 0
Prelude.mapM_ (\ Route{dest, cost} -> do
isVisited <- visited (fromIntegral dest)
case isVisited of
True -> return ()
False -> do
dist <- fmap (+ cost) $ lPathImperative nodes dest visited
maxVal <- readIORef max
if dist > maxVal then writeIORef max dist else return ())
(nodes V.! (fromIntegral nodeID))
UMV.write visited (fromIntegral nodeID) False
readIORef max
Where visited
is an unboxed mutable vector of bools representing whether each node in the graph has currently been visited, all initialised to false, and nodes is a vector of nodes..
I then attempted to make it more functional, by having max
as a value that is passed along in a fold, instead of as an IORef, as follows:
lPathFun :: V.Vector Node -> Int32 -> UMV.IOVector Bool -> IO (Int32)
lPathFun !nodes !nodeID !visited = do
UMV.write visited (fromIntegral nodeID) True
let max = CM.foldM acc (0::Int32) (nodes V.! (fromIntegral nodeID))
UMV.write visited (fromIntegral nodeID) False
acc :: Int32 -> Route -> IO (Int32)
acc maxDist Route{dest,cost} = do
isVisited <- visited (fromIntegral dest)
case isVisited of
True -> return maxDist
False -> do
dist <- fmap (+ cost) $ lPathFun nodes dest visited
return $ if dist > maxDist then dist else maxDist
This version however fails to complete, running for minutes (the other took seconds for the same input) before dying with out of memory (requested 1048576 bytes)
. I would be grateful if somebody could take a look over my code for lPathFun
and see what I'm doing wrong. I've tried making everything in it strict, but that didn't help, and also tried making everything lazy, with no change. I even tried changing type node
to V.Vector route
and using strict foldM'
on it instead, to no avail.
I suspect the problem is a space leak. This is because I tried translating lPathFun
into OCaml and it worked fine (the fact that the OCaml version uses manual recursion shouldn't make a difference: my functional Haskell version initially used manual recursion too, but suffered the same problems as with using foldM):
type route = {dest: int; cost: int}
type node = route array
let rec lPathFun (nodes: node array) nodeID visited =
visited.(nodeID) <- true;
let rec loop i maxDist =
if i < 0 then maxDist
let neighbour = nodes.(nodeID).(i) in
if (not visited.(neighbour.dest))
let dist = neighbour.cost + lPathFun nodes neighbour.dest visited in
let newMax = if dist > maxDist then dist else maxDist in
loop (i-1) newMax
loop (i-1) maxDist in
let (max: int) = loop (Array.length nodes.(nodeID) - 1) 0 in
visited.(nodeID) <- false;
The GHC version I'm using is 7.8.3.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 122
Reputation: 52067
The let max = ...
looks suspicious here:
lPathFun !nodes !nodeID !visited = do
UMV.write visited (fromIntegral nodeID) True
let max = CM.foldM acc (0::Int32) (nodes V.! (fromIntegral nodeID))
UMV.write visited (fromIntegral nodeID) False
Your code is equivalent to:
UMV.write ... True
UMV.write ... False
CM.foldM acc ...
but I'm sure you want:
UMV.write visited ... True
max <- CM.foldM ...
UMV.write visited ... False
return max
Upvotes: 5