Reputation: 115
How can I get limit the user's TextField input to numbers in Swift?
Upvotes: 8
Views: 26252
Reputation: 2415
1st you have to inherit the UITextViewDelegate class with you own class
class ViewController: UIViewController, UITextViewDelegate {
2nd add an IBOutlet
@IBOutlet weak var firstName: UITextField!
3rd you have to assure this object is using
override func viewDidLoad() {
firstName.delegate = self
func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
if textField == firstName {
let allowedCharacters = "1234567890"
let allowedCharacterSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: allowedCharacters)
let typedCharacterSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: string)
let alphabet = allowedCharacterSet.isSuperset(of: typedCharacterSet)
let Range = range.length + range.location > (fnameTF.text?.count)!
if Range == false && alphabet == false {
return false
let NewLength = (fnameTF.text?.count)! + string.count - range.length
return NewLength <= 10
} else {
return false
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 166
For anyone looking for a shorter answer, I've found this quite useful.
func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
// remove non-numerics and compare with original string
return string == string.filter("0123456789".contains)
Works in XCode 10.1, Swift 4.2
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 17932
In swift 4.1 and Xcode 10
Add UITextFieldDelegate to your class
class YourViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate
Then write this code in your viewDidLoad()
yourTF.delegate = self
Write this textfield delegate function
//MARK - UITextField Delegates
func textField(_ textField: UITextField, shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange, replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
//For numers
if textField == yourTF {
let allowedCharacters = CharacterSet(charactersIn:"0123456789")//Here change this characters based on your requirement
let characterSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: string)
return allowedCharacters.isSuperset(of: characterSet)
return true
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 37300
You can use UITextFieldDelegate
’s shouldChangeCharactersInRange
method to limit the user's input to numbers:
func textField(textField: UITextField,
shouldChangeCharactersInRange range: NSRange,
replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
// Create an `NSCharacterSet` set which includes everything *but* the digits
let inverseSet = NSCharacterSet(charactersInString:"0123456789").invertedSet
// At every character in this "inverseSet" contained in the string,
// split the string up into components which exclude the characters
// in this inverse set
let components = string.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(inverseSet)
// Rejoin these components
let filtered = components.joinWithSeparator("") // use join("", components) if you are using Swift 1.2
// If the original string is equal to the filtered string, i.e. if no
// inverse characters were present to be eliminated, the input is valid
// and the statement returns true; else it returns false
return string == filtered
Updated for Swift 3:
func textField(_ textField: UITextField,
shouldChangeCharactersIn range: NSRange,
replacementString string: String) -> Bool {
// Create an `NSCharacterSet` set which includes everything *but* the digits
let inverseSet = NSCharacterSet(charactersIn:"0123456789").inverted
// At every character in this "inverseSet" contained in the string,
// split the string up into components which exclude the characters
// in this inverse set
let components = string.components(separatedBy: inverseSet)
// Rejoin these components
let filtered = components.joined(separator: "") // use join("", components) if you are using Swift 1.2
// If the original string is equal to the filtered string, i.e. if no
// inverse characters were present to be eliminated, the input is valid
// and the statement returns true; else it returns false
return string == filtered
Upvotes: 43
Reputation: 4380
Well the iOS provides no such functionality where you can specify textfield to accept only numeric characters. The only way through would be, one of UITextFieldDelegate methods, which is as follows,
(BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string
You need to implement the following method and intercept the entered character and either through the following regular expression
[NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet]
you can find out whether the entered character is numeric and return YES if it matches the regular expression or character set else return NO.
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