Reputation: 31
I recently created a simple tic tac toe program and I've been trying to make it into a jar and I using cmd. I manage to get the jar,but when I click it nothing happens. After more research I figure it's a manifest problem as I didn't do anything to it or can even find one. Now this manifest thing has been really confusing me I have created my own manifest several times as just a txt, but that didn't work and I read that it would create it's own manifest, but I couldn't find that anywhere. Can Someone clarify were this manifest comes from or how to create one.
Java code:
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
public class TicTacToe extends JFrame {
// GUI constants
private static final int WIDTH = 400; // display width
private static final int HEIGHT = 300; // display height
// TicTacToe layout constants
private static final int NUM_ROWS = 3; // number of tic-tac-toe rows
private static final int NUM_COLS = 3; // number of tic-tac-toe columns
private static final int TOTAL_CELLS = NUM_ROWS * NUM_COLS;
private static final int MAX_MOVES = NUM_ROWS * NUM_COLS; // max number of moves
// TicTacToe image, message and default cell value constants
private static final ImageIcon X_IMAGE = new ImageIcon("images.jpg", ""); // image for X
private static final ImageIcon O_IMAGE = new ImageIcon("O.jpg", ""); // image for O
private static final String GAME_ENDS_IN_TIE = "nobody wins cause blame john wells"; // tie message
private static final String NON_PLAYER_CELL_VALUE = "-"; // "-" is a non player cell
// Private TicTacToe members
private JButton[] cells;
private CellButtonHandler[] cellHandlers;
private String gameWinner;
private int xGoesFirst;
// private int[] press = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// private String xMess = "Cross for you laymens out there";
// private String oMess = "Naught for you laymens out there";
private String pOne;
private String pTwo;
// private int pOneWins;
// private int pTwoWins;
private int count = 0;
* Default Constructor
public TicTacToe() {
// JFrame frame = new JFrame();
Container pane = getContentPane();
pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS));
cells = new JButton[TOTAL_CELLS];
cellHandlers = new CellButtonHandler[TOTAL_CELLS];
for (int i = 0; i < TOTAL_CELLS; i++) {
cells[i] = new JButton(NON_PLAYER_CELL_VALUE);
cellHandlers[i] = new CellButtonHandler();
setTitle("Tic Tac Toe");
this.xGoesFirst = 1;
this.pOne = "X";
this.pTwo = "O";
// this.pOneWins = 0;
// this.pTwoWins = 0;
} // public TicTacToe()
* setGameWinner
* @param who - the game winner as a String.
private void setGameWinner(String who) {
this.gameWinner = who;
} // private void setGameWinner(String who)
* getGameWinner
* @return the game winner
public String getGameWinner() {
return this.gameWinner;
} // public String getGameWinner()
* Entry point of the program.
* @param args - <code>String[]</code> of runtime arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Swing is not thread safe, use SwingUtilities#invokeLater
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new TicTacToe();
} // public static void main(String[] args)
* CellButtonHandler
private class CellButtonHandler implements ActionListener {
* actionPerformed
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
JButton pressed = (JButton) e.getSource();
// pressed.setIcon(TicTacToe.this.getCurrentPlayerIcon());
if (TicTacToe.this.gameOverWin() || TicTacToe.this.gameOverTie()) {
for (MouseListener ml : pressed.getMouseListeners()) {
} // public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
} // private class CellButtonHandler implements ActionListener
* private String getCurrentPlayer()
private String getCurrentPlayer() {
this.xGoesFirst = this.xGoesFirst * -1;
if (this.xGoesFirst == -1) {
return pOne;
return pTwo;
} // private String getCurrentPlayer()
* getCurrentPlayerIcon
private ImageIcon getCurrentPlayerIcon() {
this.xGoesFirst = this.xGoesFirst * -1;
if (this.xGoesFirst == -1) {
return X_IMAGE;
return O_IMAGE;
} // private ImageIcon getCurrentPlayerIcon()
* Checks if the game ended in a win.
* @return true if someone has won the game.
private boolean gameOverWin() {
if (rowChecker() || colomnChecker() || diagChecker()) {
return true;
return false;
} // private boolean gameOverWin()
* Checks if the game ended in a tie.
* @return true if there are no more moves to be made.
private boolean gameOverTie() {
if (this.count >= MAX_MOVES) {
return true;
return false;
} // private boolean gameOverTie()
* Checks the rows for a win.
* @return true if one of the rows contains three X's or three O's.
public boolean rowChecker() {
int row = 0; // row variable
int col = 0; // column variable
String mark = ""; // string to hold the first
// button in a row's text value
while (row != NUM_ROWS) {
col = row * NUM_ROWS;
mark = this.getCellText(col);
if (mark.equals(NON_PLAYER_CELL_VALUE)) {
row = row + 1;
if (this.cellsAreEqual(mark, col + 1)
&& this.cellsAreEqual(mark, col + 2)) {
this.setGameWinner("Row Winner: " + mark);
return true;
row = row + 1;
// no win across the rows so we return false
return false;
} // public boolean rowChecker()
* Checks the diagonals for a win.
* @return true if one of the diagonals contains three X's or three O's.
public boolean diagChecker() {
int leftToRight = 0; // start at the top left box
int rightToLeft = 0; // start at the top right box
int step = 0; // the number of cells to step over
String mark = ""; // string to hold the buttons mark
// first we'll start by checking the top-left to
// bottom-right diagonal
leftToRight = 0;
step = NUM_COLS + 1;
mark = this.getCellText(leftToRight);
if (!mark.equals(NON_PLAYER_CELL_VALUE)) {
if (this.cellsAreEqual(mark, step)
&& this.cellsAreEqual(mark, (step * 2))) {
this.setGameWinner("Diagonal Winner: " + mark);
return true;
// next we'll check the top-right to bottom-left diagonal
rightToLeft = NUM_COLS - 1;
step = NUM_COLS - 1;
mark = this.getCellText(rightToLeft);
if (!mark.equals(NON_PLAYER_CELL_VALUE)) {
if (this.cellsAreEqual(mark, rightToLeft + step)
&& this.cellsAreEqual(mark, rightToLeft + (step * 2))) {
this.setGameWinner("Diagonal Winner: " + mark);
return true;
// no win on the diagonals so we return false
return false;
} // public boolean diagChecker()
* colomnChecker
public boolean colomnChecker() {
int row = 0; // row variable
int col = 0; // column variable
String mark = ""; // string to hold the buttons mark
while (col != NUM_COLS) {
row = col;
mark = getCellText(row);
if (mark.equals(NON_PLAYER_CELL_VALUE)) {
col = col + 1;
if (this.cellsAreEqual(mark, row + 3)
&& this.cellsAreEqual(mark, row + 6)) {
this.setGameWinner("Column Winner: " + mark);
return true;
col = col + 1;
// no win down the columns so we return false
return false;
} // public boolean colomnChecker()
* getCellText
private String getCellText(int which) {
return this.cells[which].getText();
} // private String getCellText(int which)
* cellsAreEqual
private boolean cellsAreEqual(String mark, int index) {
return mark.equals(this.getCellText(index));
} // private boolean cellsAreEqual(String mark, int index)
// private class restart implements ActionListener
public boolean winScreen(){
Container pane = getContentPane();
JLabel label=new JLabel(TicTacToe.this.getGameWinner()+" won");
JLabel back=new JLabel(new ImageIcon("moniz_475.JPEG"));
return true;
} // public class TicTacToe extends JFrame
manifest file:
Main-Class: Tic_Tac_Toe.TicTacToe
Upvotes: 2
Views: 321
Reputation: 8624
If you want to add a manifest file to a jar you have to use jar -cfm
For example you have a manifest file name Manifest.txt which you want to add to your jar tictactoe.jar
the the command will be.
jar -cfm tictactoe.jar Manifest.txt *
If you want to mention main class you have to add an entry in the manifest file as follows.
Main-Class: <fully qualified name for the class>
Also check the default program for jar files is properly configured.
Your Java class is not in a package so your manifest file should be.
Main-Class: TicTacToe
If you want the class in a package then add the package package tictactoe;
in the first line above the import statements. The in manifest file should be.
Main-Class: tictactoe.TicTacToe
For more info check Setting an Application's Entry Point
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 2093
Are you using an IDE? If so most IDEs have the option of directly exporting your Java program as a jar with Manifest created. What you need to have in your META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file is the main method and any dependent libraries in the class path.
Add the following in your MANIFEST.MF file :
Main-Class: com.example.MainClass
Class-Path: lib/library.jar
Give the full path to the class with main method in Main-Class and any dependent libraries in Class-Path.
Now you can try creating the jar.
Upvotes: 2