I'm trying to write a property that basically states "it should either not throw an exception, or throw one of a list of possible exceptions" using ScalaTest and it's GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
which in turn uses scalatest. The issue is that I wasn't able to combine the noException
with an logical or, so the best I could come with is this ugly test:
it should "not throw unexpected exceptions" in {
forAll { (s: String) =>
try { parse(s) }
catch { case e:Throwable => e shouldBe a [ParsingFailedException] }
true shouldBe true // prevent compile error
What I would like to see instead would read more like
it should "not throw unexpected exceptions" in {
forAll { (s: String) => {
(noException should Be thrownBy) or (a [ParsingFailedException] shouldBe thrownBy) { parse(s) }
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Since we want to use the exception as a value and not to control an exceptional flow, we could use scala.util.Try
and make assertions on the value of Try
. So instead of calling parse(s)
we could call Try(parse(s))
Unfortunately, because the values are wrapped now, I can't think of a clean way to assert predicates on them other than writing a custom matcher. For your specific example, a custom matcher could look as follows:
class FailAsMatcher[E <: Throwable](t: Class[E]) extends Matcher[Try[Any]] {
def apply(theTry: Try[Any]) =
theTry.isFailure && (theTry.failed.get.getClass == t),
s"did not fail as a $t",
s"did fail as a $t"
Since Try
is covariant, we can define the generic type of our custom matcher to be Try[Any]
. The matcher matches only instances of Failure[Any]
that fail with an exception of the provided type. Now, we could call this as:
it should "not throw unexpected exceptions" in {
forAll { (s: String) =>
Try(parse(s)) should ( be ('success) or failAs(classOf[ParsingFailedException]))
def failAs[E <: Throwable](t: Class[E]) = new FailAsMatcher[E](t)
Now, if a non-expected exception happens, the error could look as follows:
TestFailedException was thrown during property evaluation.
Message: Failure(java.lang.NullPointerException) was not success, and did not fail as a class ParsingFailedException
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