Reputation: 101
Hy. I'm working with shapefiles in R. I wrote a script which processes one of my shapefiles. Therefore I wrote mutliple functions and for loops. After processing the shapefile it will be written to another folder. Now i need to apply this to all my shapefiles. Is there an easy way to do this? I'm new to R.
What I've got sofar: Script for one shapefile, which looks like this: Upload the file and set time format:
shape=ReadOGR(dsn=", layer= "Trip_2")
shape$Zeit= as.POSIXct(strptime(shape$Zeit_txt, format= "%d.%m.%Y%H:%M:%S", tz="GMT"), tz="GMT")
First extractions: make Wegtyp NA if Count is not 1
shape$wegtyp[shape$Count != 1] = NA
shape$name_wegty[shape$Count != 1] = NA
shape$OBJECTVAL[shape$Count != 1] = NA
shape$name_weg_1[shape$Count != 1] = NA
First Function:
calculateDistancesWGS = function(long, lat){
distWGS = long
distWGS = NA
for (i in 1:(length(lat)-1)){
distWGS[i+1] = distCosine( c(long[i+1], lat[i+1]), c(long[i], lat[i]))
shape$distanceWGS = calculateDistancesWGS(shape$longitude, shape$latitude)
several more function follow
extract file as shapefile:
writeOGR(shape, dsn= "", layer= "Trip_03", driver= "ESRI Shapefile" )
Now I need to do this with all my shapefiles and save them with different names. I'm able to import several shapefiles to R creating a list of dataframes like this:
list_shp <- list.files(path="", pattern="*.shp", full.names = TRUE,
recursive = TRUE, include.dirs = FALSE)
shapes <- lapply(list_shp, function(x) {readOGR(dsn=x, layer=ogrListLayers(x))})
But when it gets to applying the timeformat and the functions i could not figure out what to do.
Here's a short example of my data:
d1= data.frame(longitude=(10.42206), latitude= (46.60109), Wegtyp= (1), Zeit_txt= 14.50)
d2= data.frame (longitude= (10.42207), latitude= (46.60108), Wegtyp= 2, Zeit_txt= (14.55))
Any help would be highly appreciated
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Views: 287
Reputation: 2416
You can just lapply
a function that does the command you wanted, like the following:
addTime <- function(shape) {
shape$Zeit= as.POSIXct(strptime(shape$Zeit_txt, format= "%d.%m.%Y%H:%M:%S", tz="GMT"), tz="GMT")
shapes <- lapply(shapes, addTime)
Upvotes: 1