Reputation: 5892
I'm trying to calculate the intervals in a graph, I found a mathematical description of the algorithm on wikipedia:
H = { n0 } // Initialize work list
while H is not empty
remove next h from H
create the interval I(h)
I(h) += { h }
while ∃n ∈ { succ(I(h)) — I(h) } such that pred(n) ⊆ I(h)
I(h) += { n }
while ∃n ∈ N such that n ∉ I(h) and // find next headers
∃m ∈ pred(n) such that m ∈ I(h)
H += n
However this is probably what code looks like to a non developer as it looks like gibberish to me, what would this look like in pesudo code? My final implementation will be in C++ and applied to a control flow graph data structure that has predecessors and successor edges for each node.
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Views: 254
Reputation: 18158
Looks like the wikipedia code is in first order logic; pseudocode would look something like the following, disclaimer: I'm not familiar with this algorithm and am only going off of the FOL "code"
Set<Node> pred(Node n);
Set<Node> succ(Node n);
Set<Node> succ(Set<Node> interval) {
Set<Node> retVal = new Set()
// union of all successor edge sets for nodes in the interval
for(Node n: interval) {
// only return nodes that have predecessor edges in the interval
for(Node n: retval) {
if(interval.intersect(pred(n)).isEmpty()) {
return retVal
void main(Set<Node> N) { // N is the set of all nodes
Queue H = new Queue(N.first()) // the work queue
while(!H.isEmpty()) {
Node h = H.poll() // remove the first node from the queue
Set<Node> I = new Set() // the interval
for(Node ni : succ(I)) {
I.add(ni) // or I.addAll(succ(I))
for(Node ni: N) {
if(!I.intersect(pred(ni)).isEmpty()) {
H.add(ni) // add nodes whose predecessors are in I to the work queue
Upvotes: 1