Reputation: 759
By default, it appears that "s3 sync" doesn't create empty folders in the destination directory
aws s3 sync s3://source-bucket s3://dest-bucket --include "*" --recursive
I've searched for a ffew hours now, and can't seem to find anything to address empty folders/directories when using "sync" or "cp"
fwiw, i do see the following message that may pertain to the empty folders, but its hard to know for sure since the source bucket is pretty big and unwieldy.
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Views: 16334
Reputation: 14915
S3 has no concept of directories. S3 is an object store where each object is identified by a key. The key might be a string like "logs/2014/06/04/system.log"
Most graphical user interfaces on top of S3 (AWS CLI, AWS Console, Cloudberry, Transmit etc ...) interpret the "/" characters as a directory separator and present the file list "as is" it was in a directory structure.
However, internally, there is no concept of directory, S3 has a flat namespace. See for more details.
Knowing this, I am not surprised that empty directories are not synced as there is no directories on S3
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 26
The aws s3 sync
command does not create empty directories in the destination. This is how I created the empty directories in the destination S3 bucket to match with the source S3 bucket(You can run this in CloudShell / Bash shell):
# Export variables (Please modify variable values as appropriate)
# Export the list of empty directories to a file called "empty-directories.txt"
aws s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket $source_bucket_name --query 'Contents[].{Key: Key}' | jq -r '.[] | select(.Key | endswith("/")) | .Key' > empty-directories.txt
# Create empty directories in the destination S3 bucket
while IFS= read -r folder_name || [ -n "$folder_name" ]; do
# Ensure the folder name ends with a trailing slash
# Create the directory in the destination bucket
aws s3api put-object --bucket "$destination_bucket_name" --key "$folder_key"
echo "Created folder: $folder_key in bucket: $destination_bucket_name"
done < "$input_file"
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Reputation: 11
This is an old question but it is still relevant so I will answer it.
I've come across this problem and I solved it with creating a empty file inside the folder named .folderkeep which has no data in it. So when you sync it it will create the folder.
It is just to exist in a folder. It has nothing to do with the other data. And also it starts with ".", so it will be hidden to the file system.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 14508
There is no official way yet.
You can use S3cmd instead of the official AWS client, I have read it supports syncing empty directories.
Alternatively, you could use bash to add a file to empty directories:
find . -type d -empty -exec touch {}/empty.txt \;
Off-topic but related: I don't want symlinked files to be duplicated (the default when the linked file is local) but I do want to keep the structure (--no-follow-symlinks just ignores the link). So a one-liner to copy the link into a text file:
find . -type l -exec bash -c 'readlink "$1" > "$1.symlink"' _ {} \;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 4333
No way so far but a feature-request is open to add the functionality to copy also empty dirs.
Upvotes: 4