
Reputation: 834

Incrementing FOR loop for each line in a text file (batch)

Ok, before I state my problem, let me provide you with some background:

I am creating a messaging service for my friends and I to message each other at school. How it works is basically each user starts the .bat file I put on their computer. Then, two windows open: one that has an input which reads "Text:" and another which is really another file which is displaying a text file that is updated once a second. When the user inputs text, it is concatenated to the text file. This is what that part looks like:

if %a%==1 (
echo %computername% has joined the chatroom at %time%! >> %place%chatroom.chatfile
set a=0
set /p text="Text: "
if "%text%"=="quit" goto quit
if "%text%"=="clear" goto clear
if "%text%"=="restart" goto startup
goto tidyup
echo %computername% at %time%: %text% >>%place%chatroom.chatfile
goto message  

And the updating text file part:

type %place%chatroom.chatfile
goto window

As I moved along, I realized if the text file is more than 20 lines or so, then you couldn't see the bottom part. I tried the morecommand to solve this, but this annoyingly scrolls down so that you can't actually read anything.

After that, I found a pretty good solution: Store a separate file called history.txt and move the first line of the main text file to this one on the condition of the original text file's number of lines being greater than 20.

Again, I encountered another problem: This only removes one line from the text file. Let's say the original text file is 25 lines long. How would I move these lines?

This is what I have so far:

set file=%place%chatroom.chatfile
set /a cnt=0
for /f %%a in ('type "%file%"^|find "" /v /c') do set /a cnt=%%a
set /p firstline=<%file%
if %cnt% GTR 20 (
set /a cnt2=%cnt%-20
for /l %%g in (1, 1, %cnt%) do (
echo %firstline%>>%place%history.chatfile  ::pay attention to this line
for /f "skip=%cnt% delims=*" %%a in (%place%chatroom.chatfile) do (
echo %%a >>%place%chatroom2.chatfile    
xcopy %place%chatroom2.chatfile %place%chatroom.chatfile /y >nul
del %place%chatroom2.chatfile /f /q)
goto send

The line where I placed ::pay attention to this line is where I need this question answered:

How do I increment the for loop so it moves %cnt% amount of lines from the original text file to history.chatfile


Is there a much simpler way to accomplish what I am doing? I.e. A "cut" command in batch

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Views: 829

Answers (1)


Reputation: 79983

SET "file=q27350263.txt"
:: remove variables starting $
FOR  /F "delims==" %%a In ('set $ 2^>Nul') DO SET "%%a="
:: read lines from file into variables "$1..$asmanylinesasthereare"
SET /a cnt=0
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type "%file%"') do (
 set /a cnt+=1
 CALL SET $%%cnt%%=%%a
SET /a cnthist=cnt-20
SET /a cntlive=cnthist+1
IF %cnt% gtr 20 (
 DEL "%file%"
 FOR /l %%a IN (1,1,%cnthist%) DO CALL >>"%file%.history" ECHO(%%$%%a%%
 FOR /l %%a IN (%cntlive%,1,%cnt%) DO >>"%file%" CALL ECHO(%%$%%a%%


I used a file named q27350263.txt containing some data for my testing. All you'd need do is change the filenames to suit yourself.

Essentially, what this does is to load the contents of your chatfile q27350263.txt into variables $1..$25 (or whatever) then since we are aware of the count of lines (in cnt) we can determine which lines land up in the history file ($1..$(cnt-20)) and which go back into the chat file ($(cnt-20+1)..$cnt).

The call echo syntax allows you to access the value of the variable as it changes. In the first instance, batch parses CALL SET $%%cnt%%=%%a and executes set $%cnt%=value from line so $thecurrentvalueofcnt receives the text from the current line.

In the second pair of instances, %%a contains a number so the call echo's target is %$1% (where 1 is the value of %%a)

Note that the redirector can be placed either side of the call

Upvotes: 3

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