Reputation: 2491
I have developed a program which calculates and inserts around 4800 rows within a loop to SQL Server 2008. But after inserting 200+ rows it gets stuck every time and does not insert the rest of the rows.
Now I am writing a text file with the insert command inside the loop instead inserting into the DB. If I try to copy the whole 4800 insert command from the text log and paste it into the query editor of the SQL Server then it inserts all within 1 minute. I would like to get suggestion on how I may solve this issue? I would appreciate any suggestion or help.
Here is my code sample what I am trying now:
strSQL = "Insert into performance Values (@Rptdate,@CP_Name, @Shortcode, @Keyword, @MO_Count, @MO_Revenue,";
strSQL = strSQL + "@PMT_Sent_Count, @MT_Revenue, @ZMT_Sent_Count, @Infra_Revenue, @Total_MT, @UM_rev_Share, @CP_Rev_Share, ";
strSQL = strSQL + "@MCP_Rev_Share, @UM_Total_Revenue, @CP_Revenue)";
db.openconn("MOMT_Report", "Report");
cmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL,;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Rptdate", Rptdate);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", Name);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Shortcode", Shortcode);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword", Keyword);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MO_Count", MO_Count);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MO_Revenue", MO_Revenue);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@PMT_Sent_Count", PMT_Sent_Count);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MT_Revenue", MT_Revenue);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ZMT_Sent_Count", ZMT_Sent_Count);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Infra_Revenue", Infra_Revenue);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Total_MT", Total_MT);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rev_Share", rev_Share);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Rev_Share", Rev_Share);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@MCP_Rev_Share", MCP_Rev_Share);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Total_Revenue", Total_Revenue);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Revenue", Revenue);
cmd.CommandTimeout = 0;
Upvotes: 2
Views: 4059
Reputation: 48924
Is there a db.closeconn();
somewhere after the try block that was pasted into the question? If not then that is a huge issue (i.e. to keep opening connections and not closing them, and that could explain why it freezes after opening 200+ of them). If there is a close connection method being called then great, but still, opening and closing the connection per each INSERT is unnecessary, let alone horribly inefficient.
At the very least you can:
s, and SqlCommand
// this should be in a try block
strSQL = "INSERT...";
db.openconn("MOMT_Report", "Report");
cmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL,;
SqlParameter _Rptdate = new SqlParameter("@Rptdate", DbType.Int);
...{repeat for remaining params}...
// optional begin transaction
for / while loop
_Rptdate.Value = Rptdate;
// set other param values
// if optional transaction was started, do commit
db.closeconn(); // this should be in a finally block
However, the fastest and cleanest way to get this data inserted is to use Table-Valued Parameters (TVPs) which were introduced in SQL Server 2008. You need to create a User-Defined Table Type (one time) to define the structure, and then you can use it in either an ad hoc insert like you current have, or pass to a stored procedure. But this way you don't need to export to a file just to import. There is no need for that additional steps.
Rather than copy/paste a large code block, I have noted three links below where I have posted the code to do this. The first two links are the full code (SQL and C#) to accomplish this. Each is a slight variation on the theme (which shows the flexibility of using TVPs). The third is another variation but not the full code as it just shows the differences from one of the first two in order to fit that particular situation. But in all 3 cases, the data is streamed from the app into SQL Server. There is no creating of any additional collection or external file; you use what you currently have and only need to duplicate the values of a single row at a time to be sent over. And on the SQL Server side, it all comes through as a populated Table Variable. This is far more efficient than taking data you already have in memory, converting it to a file (takes time and disk space) or XML (takes cpu and memory) or a DataTable (for SqlBulkCopy
; takes cpu and memory) or something else, only to rely on an external factor such as the filesystem (the files will need to be cleaned up, right?) or need to parse out of XML.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2072
You should do all this in one transaction.
Open DB connection.
Create command.
Begin transaction.
Start loop.
Clear parameters if added
Set parameters and execute it.
End loop.
Commit transaction.
Close DB connection.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2460
I think you need set timeout option first in link below:
then try to change max allowed packet:
hope it will work
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 458
I think if you need to bulk insert using XML then you can use this type of approach also..
first of all create a store procedure like this..
INSERT INTO performance
d.value('@Rptdate','varchar') AS Rptdate
,d.value('@Name','varchar') AS Name
,d.value('@Shortcode','varchar') AS Shortcode
,d.value('@Keyword','varchar') AS Keyword
,d.value('@MO_Count','varchar') AS MO_Count
,d.value('@MO_Revenue','varchar') AS MO_Revenue
,d.value('@PMT_Sent_Count','varchar') AS PMT_Sent_Count
,d.value('@MT_Revenue','varchar') AS MT_Revenue
,d.value('@ZMT_Sent_Count','varchar') AS ZMT_Sent_Count
,d.value('@Infra_Revenue','varchar') AS Infra_Revenue
,d.value('@Total_MT','varchar') AS Total_MT
,d.value('@rev_Share','varchar') AS rev_Share
,d.value('@Rev_Share','varchar') AS Rev_Share
,d.value('@MCP_Rev_Share','varchar') AS MCP_Rev_Share
,d.value('@Total_Revenue','varchar') AS Total_Revenue
,d.value('@Revenue','varchar') AS Revenue
FROM @DataXML.nodes('Reports/Report') n(d)
the above store procedure is just for demonstration, you can modify it with your own logic
now next step is to create data XML to pass into your store procedure as parameter
//prepare your data xml here
//you can use any of your logic to prepare dataxml
string xmlstring = @"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><Reports>";
for (int i = 0; i < recordcout; i++)
xmlstring += string.Format(@"<Report Rptdate='{0}'
MO_Revenue ='{5}'
ZMT_Sent_Count ='{8}'
Revenue='{15}' />");
xmlstring += "</Reports>";
Now next step is to pass this XML string to your store procedure
using (SqlConnection dbConnection = new SqlConnection("CONNECTIONSTRING"))
//Create database connection
// Database command with stored - procedure
using (SqlCommand dbCommand =
new SqlCommand("SP_INSERT_BULK", dbConnection))
// we are going to use store procedure
dbCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
// Add input parameter and set its properties.
SqlParameter parameter = new SqlParameter();
// Store procedure parameter name
parameter.ParameterName = "@DataXML";
// Parameter type as XML
parameter.DbType = DbType.Xml;
parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; // Input Parameter
parameter.Value = xmlstring; // XML string as parameter value
// Add the parameter in Parameters collection.
int intRetValue = dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 7890
executing one sqlcommand is much better than executing 4800 sqlcommands there is several ways, for the Bulk Insert you need your .txt file be accessed from your database server(transfer the file to database server or it can access the file through network) and after that use:
BULK INSERT Your_table
FROM 'full_file_name'
FIELDTERMINATOR =' terminator character',
another way: you can build a new text in your C# code which has an insert command for each row and execute the whole text once (it's better to put it into a transaction)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3319
Use Bulk Insert. It is nicely described here:
Upvotes: 1