Reputation: 3781
I need to change the colors of the scale of a ggplot in R. My table is:
tt<-data.frame(C1=c(0.4,.5,.5, 0, .8,.8),C2=c(.5,.6,.7, 0, .7,.8), C3=c(.8,.7,.9, 0, .8,.7),
C4=c(rep(0,6)), C5=c(0.4,.6,.6, 0, .8,.8),C6=c(0.8,.7,.5, 0, .8,.8), C7=c(0.8,.6,.4, 0, .8,.8))
row.names(tt)<-paste("F", 1:6, sep='')
Then I do the reshape:
tt_melt <- melt(tt)
colnames(tt_melt)<-c('fila', 'columna', 'performance')
And my graph is a representation of a call center and a metric related to each position:
aes(x=columna, y=fila, fill=performance)) + geom_tile() +
geom_text(aes(label=performance), color='white')
+ theme_minimal(base_size = 12, base_family = "")+
labs(title = 'Performance por posicion en el call')+
scale_colour_manual(values = c("red","yellow", "green"))
scale_fill_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "darkgreen")
But it doesn't take the scale. I need to get the 0s in white (because it means that there's nobody in that space) and the rest from red to green. So it's not a truly continuous scale (but should be continuous from red to green). How can I make ggplot take the scale? Also, how can I create a scale that has a condition over the values? And finally, if there's a better way to do this I would be glad to hear about it. Many thanks.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 4454
Reputation: 78832
I hope the code formatting is an artifact of the SO paste. I prefer more structured ggplot builds.
You can have far more control if you generate discrete breaks:
tt <- data.frame(C1=c(0.4,.5,.5, 0, .8,.8),
C2=c(.5,.6,.7, 0, .7,.8),
C3=c(.8,.7,.9, 0, .8,.7),
C5=c(0.4,.6,.6, 0, .8,.8),
C6=c(0.8,.7,.5, 0, .8,.8),
C7=c(0.8,.6,.4, 0, .8,.8))
row.names(tt) <- paste("F", 1:6, sep='')
tt <- as.matrix(tt)
tt_melt <- melt(tt)
colnames(tt_melt) <- c('fila', 'columna', 'performance')
tt_melt$cut <- cut(tt_melt$performance,
breaks=c(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0),
labels=as.character(c(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9)),
perf_cols <- c("white", colorRampPalette(c("red", "green"))( 9 ))
perf_text_cols <- c("black", rep("white", 9))
gg <- ggplot(data=tt_melt, aes(x=columna, y=fila, fill=cut))
gg <- gg + geom_tile()
gg <- gg + geom_text(aes(label=performance, color=cut))
gg <- gg + labs(title = 'Performance por posicion en el call')
gg <- gg + coord_equal()
gg <- gg + scale_colour_manual(values = perf_text_cols)
gg <- gg + scale_fill_manual(values=perf_cols)
gg <- gg + theme_minimal(base_size = 12, base_family = "")
gg <- gg + theme(legend.position="none")
You should prbly hit up Color Brewer and change the ramp. This method also allows you to ensure the text is visible on the white tiles. Also, coord_equal
saves you from playing with height/width to get even blocks. You can also add a border to the tiles by adding a color
(non aes
) parameter to geom_tile
To keep the 0
values white (per your comment), just use a non aes
color like you originally did:
gg <- ggplot(data=tt_melt, aes(x=columna, y=fila, fill=cut))
gg <- gg + geom_tile()
gg <- gg + geom_text(aes(label=performance), color="white")
gg <- gg + labs(title = 'Performance por posicion en el call')
gg <- gg + coord_equal()
gg <- gg + scale_fill_manual(values=perf_cols)
gg <- gg + theme_minimal(base_size = 12, base_family = "")
gg <- gg + theme(legend.position="none")
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 24623
ggplot(data=tt_melt, aes(x=columna, y=fila, fill=performance))+
geom_text(aes(label=performance), color='white') +
theme_minimal(base_size = 12, base_family = "")+
labs(title = 'Performance por posicion en el call')+
scale_colour_manual(values = c("red","yellow", "green"))+
scale_fill_gradient(low = "yellow", high = "darkgreen")
There were only typing mistakes in your code. There should be a '+' sign at end of the line if you want to continue to next line in ggplot code.
Upvotes: 1