Reputation: 41
I downloaded the prism climate data for few years and I am hoping I could get some suggestions on how to stack these data for each individual year. So after the download and unzip, each month data is in different folder. I need to stack the monthly data for each year. I am quite new in R and I would really appreciate if I can get some suggestion on how to achieve this. The folder names are as follows: PRISM_ppt_stable_4kmM2_201312_bil PRISM_ppt_stable_4kmM2_201311_bil PRISM_ppt_stable_4kmM2_201310_bil and so on
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1766
Reputation: 47091
Below is a variation on the script of @Amstell. It does not use separate RasterLayer objects and is thus easier to maintain, more versatile because s
could have any number of layers. I suppose I would run list.files once, outside of the loop, and then use grep inside of the loop to get subsets.
setwd("./Prism Weather Data All/1895-2014_BIL/ppt")
years <- 1900:1900
for (i in years) {
filenames <- list.files(pattern=paste(".*_",i,".*\\.bil$", sep = ""))
s <- stack(filenames)
y <- data.frame(rasterToPoints(s))
colnames(y) <- c("lon", "lat",
y$year <- i
y$gridNumber <- cellFromXY(s, y[, 1:2])
# write.csv( ) ?
Also note that .../
is meaningless. Use ./
(or nothing) for the current directory, and ../
for the parent directory (and so on with ../../
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 47091
get the filenames with something like
f <- list.files(pattern='.bil$', recursive=TRUE, full=TRUE)
Perhaps you need to order them. Then do
s <- stack(f)
and then do whatever you want to do with the stack (which you do not specify). To get a matrix of values and cell centers you can do
v <- rasterToPoints(s)
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 7435
I have gotten quite a bit of help working with PRISM data from this site and am passing along some code to you to make this easier. The following code will pull out the information from the raster files and put it in a nice data.frame for each year you want.
It is very important to set a few things before this will run.
is assigned to that directory with *.bil and *.hdr filespath <- ".../"
includes the path to export if you want for exporting years into a *.csv file--if you wishfilenames <- list.files(path = ".../"
is assigned to the directory with *.bil and *.hdr files. This should be the same as setwd()
### Precipitation (ppt) ###
# !!!!! Set to directory with *.hdr and *.bil only
setwd(".../Prism Weather Data All/1895-2014_BIL/ppt/")
# Path to write out (if necessary)
path <- ".../Prism Weather Data All/csv/ppt/")
# Set years to process
startingyear <- 1900
endingyear <- 1900
total <- startingyear:endingyear
for (i in total) {
year <- as.character(i)
# Make sure to set the correct path where *.hdr and *.bil are
filenames <- list.files(path = ".../Prism Weather Data All/1895-2014_BIL/ppt/",
pattern = paste(".*_", year, ".*\\.bil", sep = ""))
# Assign raster file to object
r1 = raster(filenames[1])
r2 = raster(filenames[2])
r3 = raster(filenames[3])
r4 = raster(filenames[4])
r5 = raster(filenames[5])
r6 = raster(filenames[6])
r7 = raster(filenames[7])
r8 = raster(filenames[8])
r9 = raster(filenames[9])
r10 = raster(filenames[10])
r11 = raster(filenames[11])
r12 = raster(filenames[12])
# Assign values from raster file to month object
jan <-, na.rm = TRUE)
feb <-, na.rm = TRUE)
mar <-, na.rm = TRUE)
apr <-, na.rm = TRUE)
may <-, na.rm = TRUE)
jun <-, na.rm = TRUE)
jul <-, na.rm = TRUE)
aug <-, na.rm = TRUE)
sep <-, na.rm = TRUE)
oct <-, na.rm = TRUE)
nov <-, na.rm = TRUE)
dec <-, na.rm = TRUE)
# Bind all gridnumbers with monthly data to object
jan <- cbind(gridNumber = rownames(jan), jan, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
feb <- cbind(gridNumber = rownames(feb), feb, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
mar <- cbind(gridNumber = rownames(mar), mar, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
apr <- cbind(gridNumber = rownames(apr), apr, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
may <- cbind(gridNumber = rownames(may), may, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
jun <- cbind(gridNumber = rownames(jun), jun, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
jul <- cbind(gridNumber = rownames(jul), jul, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
aug <- cbind(gridNumber = rownames(aug), aug, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
sep <- cbind(gridNumber = rownames(sep), sep, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
oct <- cbind(gridNumber = rownames(oct), oct, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
nov <- cbind(gridNumber = rownames(nov), nov, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dec <- cbind(gridNumber = rownames(dec), dec, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Merge Monthly data
month_list <- lapply(list(jan,feb,mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec),setDT)
for(j in seq_along(month_list)){
set(month_list[[j]],j="ID",value = names(month_list[[j]])[2])
setnames(month_list[[j]], names(month_list[[j]])[2], "value")
# Faster processing of aggregated data
long_data <- rbindlist(month_list)
wide <-, gridNumber~ID, value = 'value')
wide$year <- year
colnames(wide) <- c("gridNumber", "jan","feb","mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec", "year")
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 11
What is the format of the files the data are in? Is it csv or some text? If it is csv You can use read.csv function in R, it will create a neat data.frame object for You.
You can create some iterator for each year to read data from each folder, for example:
year = 2010:2014
months = 1:12
folder_names = sapply(year, function(y) { sapply(month, function(m){
paste("PRISM_ppt_stable_4kmM2_", y, sep=""),
m, sep=""),
"_bil", sep="") }) })
and this way, You have all Your directory names generated.
Now You can perform reading from them, but for that we need to know files You keep data in.
Upvotes: 0