Reputation: 1027
On a current project, we have multiple users editing the repository from multiple machines such as Windows, OSX, and Ubuntu. I have tried various settings to keep the line endings normalized, but I continuously get notices that random files in the repo will have its line endings change.
First off, I have this git attributes file in my repository:
# These settings are for any web project
# Handle line endings automatically for files detected as text
# and leave all files detected as binary untouched.
* text=auto
# The above will handle all files NOT found below
# Documents
*.doc diff=astextplain eol=lf
*.DOC diff=astextplain eol=lf
*.docx diff=astextplain eol=lf
*.DOCX diff=astextplain eol=lf
*.dot diff=astextplain eol=lf
*.DOT diff=astextplain eol=lf
*.pdf diff=astextplain eol=lf
*.PDF diff=astextplain eol=lf
*.rtf diff=astextplain eol=lf
*.RTF diff=astextplain eol=lf
*.md text eol=lf
*.adoc text eol=lf
*.textile text eol=lf
*.mustache text eol=lf
*.csv text eol=lf
*.tab text eol=lf
*.tsv text eol=lf
*.sql text eol=lf
# Graphics
*.png binary
*.jpg binary
*.jpeg binary
*.gif binary
*.ico binary
*.svg text eol=lf
# These files are text and should be normalized (Convert crlf => lf)
*.md text eol=lf
*.adoc text eol=lf
*.textile text eol=lf
*.mustache text eol=lf
*.csv text eol=lf
*.tab text eol=lf
*.tsv text eol=lf
*.php text eol=lf
*.css text eol=lf
*.js text eol=lf
*.json text eol=lf
*.htm text eol=lf
*.html text eol=lf
*.xml text eol=lf
*.txt text eol=lf
*.ini text eol=lf
*.inc text eol=lf
*.pl text eol=lf
*.rb text eol=lf
*.py text eol=lf
*.scm text eol=lf
*.sql text eol=lf
.htaccess text eol=lf
# These files are binary and should be left untouched
# (binary is a macro for -text -diff)
*.mov binary
*.mp4 binary
*.mp3 binary
*.flv binary
*.fla binary
*.swf binary
*.gz binary
*.zip binary
*.7z binary
*.ttf binary
*.pyc binary
and I have set these git settings on the machines (windows and osx and linux):
git config --global core.eol lf
git config --global core.autocrlf false
Yet I will intermittently get notification from git (cli) that when I pull changes from out development server (which is updated with changes from testing at the end of the day), I get the message stating that CRLF will be converted to LF on commit.
Although lately, I noticed that My cohort and I (on windows) have not been getting these messages as often. But others on mac/linux seem to get them every time they re-checkout the remote branch (even after deleting the local version). When running
git checkout -b develop -t origin/develop
where they should have a perfectly clean directory, they will have anywhere from 1-6 files that show changes. Which are only line endings. And no matter what we do, we cannot get rid of them without committing them. Even though they get committed and pushed directly back up to develop, another dev after fetching will pull a new develop branch (after deleting the local develop branch) will get another random file that states will have its CRLF endings converted to LF.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 417
Reputation: 1024
You might want to take a look at a question of mine also dealing with line endings
Git line endings after normalization
I maintain that the answer is to stop git doing any normalization by adding the following to your .gitattributes
* -text
* whitespace=cr-at-eol
and this then puts you in control - all you have to do is set every file to the line ending that you want, a one-off operation. Magic conversion of line endings is a holdover from an era when editors on different operating systems could only handle files with their native line endings (IMNSHO). This is only a problem nowadays if you are coding using Notepad :-)
Upvotes: 1