Reputation: 1114
I'm struggling with this error No API key provided. Set your API key using "Stripe.api_key = ". You can generate API keys from the Stripe web interface in a Rails app after following step by step Stripe's guide.
From what I see, everything looks fine, but it keeps returning that notice. Any advice?
Charges Controller:
class ChargesController < ApplicationController
def new
def create
# Amount in cents
@amount = 500
customer = Stripe::Customer.create(
:email => '[email protected]',
:card => params[:stripeToken]
charge = Stripe::Charge.create(
:customer =>,
:amount => @amount,
:description => 'Rails Stripe customer',
:currency => 'usd'
rescue Stripe::CardError => e
flash[:error] = e.message
redirect_to charges_path
Rails.configuration.stripe = {
:publishable_key => ENV['pk_test_KEY'],
:secret_key => ENV['sk_test_KEY']
Stripe.api_key = Rails.configuration.stripe[:secret_key]
Terminal trace Started POST "/charges" for at 2014-12-12 22:15:08 +0100
Processing by ChargesController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"XXX", "stripeToken"=>"tok_1590kf2NNSl5uX0kXE9XXX", "stripeTokenType"=>"card", "stripeEmail"=>"[email protected]"}
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2ms
Stripe::AuthenticationError - No API key provided. Set your API key using "Stripe.api_key = <API-KEY>". You can generate API keys from the Stripe web interface. See for details, or email [email protected] if you have any questions.:
() Users/javier/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/bundler/gems/stripe-ruby-9c7ebd21c973/lib/stripe.rb:71:in `request'
() Users/javier/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/bundler/gems/stripe-ruby-9c7ebd21c973/lib/stripe/api_operations/create.rb:6:in `create'
() Users/javier/Desktop/definitive/app/controllers/charges_controller.rb:10:in `create'
Tested including the keys in secrets.yml as @sealocal suggests in comments, but still the same issue:
secret_key_base: key
publishable_key: anotherkey
secret_key: anotherkey
secret_key_base: <%= ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"] %>
publishable_key: <%= ENV["publishable_key"] %>
secret_key: <%= ENV["secret_key"] %>
Upvotes: 10
Views: 13832
Reputation: 8438
In Rails 7, open your credentials file from your terminal:
$ EDITOR="code --wait" rails credentials:edit --environment=development
Feel free to remove --enviroment=development if you want to use the credentials in all your environments, or pass specific ones for the ones you need: --environment=production...
You can also swap 'code' for 'vim' or 'mate' in EDITOR.
In your credentials file:
publishable_key: pk_whateverYourPublishableKeyFromStripeDashboard
secret_key: sk_whateverYourSecretKeyFromStripeDashboard
Now close this file and head to:
# config/initializers/stripe.rb
Stripe.api_key = Rails.application.credentials.dig(:stripe, :secret_key)
# create the file if you don't have one.
Restart your server, you are good to go.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 12477
You need to store your Stripe keys in environment variables so that config/initializers/stripe.rb
can read them.
In Rails 4.1+ you can use secrets.yml
secret_key_base: key
publishable_key: pk_test_lkasjdflkajsd
secret_key: sk_test_lkasjdflkajsd
NOTE: Use exactly two spaces when defining nested key-value pairs in YAML. That is, the keys under development
should be indented by two spaces, and not with a tab character. This is because YAML files strictly depend on indentation.
In config/initializers/stripe.rb
Rails.configuration.stripe = {
:publishable_key => Rails.application.secrets.publishable_key,
:secret_key => Rails.application.secrets.secret_key
Stripe.api_key = Rails.configuration.stripe[:secret_key]
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 1114
Stripe support replied my email and their solution is working fine:
Rails.configuration.stripe = {
:publishable_key => 'pk_test_thekey',
:secret_key => 'sk_test_thekey'
Also part of their answer It looks like you are trying to set your API key to an ENV variable named after your key, which is likely not a valid key. You will want to change it to ENV['NAME_OF_ENV_VAR_HERE'], or simply access the key directly, like the lines included above
Upvotes: 1