Reputation: 24166
I'm trying to do something similar to the advanced overlap trick to define an instance with overlapping behavior. I'm trying to derive an instance for a tuple that will use an instance for the fst
field if one exists, otherwise use the instance for the snd
field if it exists. This ultimately results in a seemingly incorrect error about overlapping instances.
To begin with, I'm using all of the kitchen sink except for OverlappingInstances
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
I'm also using a poly-kinded Proxy
and type level or, :||:
import Data.Proxy
type family (:||:) (a :: Bool) (b :: Bool) :: Bool
type instance (:||:) False a = a
type instance (:||:) True a = True
is a very simple class to play with. ThingA
has an A
instance; ThingB
class A x where
traceA :: x -> String
data ThingA = ThingA
data ThingB = ThingB
instance A ThingA where
traceA = const "ThingA"
The goal of the next parts is to write an A
instance for (x, y)
which will be defined as long as there's either an A x
or A y
instance. If there's an A x
instance, it will return ("fst " ++) . traceA . fst
. If there is not an A x
instance but there is a B x
instance it will return ("snd " ++) . traceA . fst
The first step will be to make a functional dependency to test for whether there's an A
instance by matching against the instance head. This is the ordinary approach from the advanced overlap article.
class APred (flag :: Bool) x | x -> flag
instance APred 'True ThingA
instance (flag ~ 'False) => APred flag x
If we can determine if x
and y
both have A
instances, we can determine if (x, y)
is going to have one.
instance (APred xflag x, APred yflag y, t ~ (xflag :||: yflag)) => APred t (x, y)
Now I'm going to depart from the simple example in advanced overlap and introduce a second functional dependency to select whether to use the A x
or A y
instance. (We could use a different kind than Bool
for Chooses
and SwitchA
to avoid confusion with APred
class Chooses (flag :: Bool) x | x -> flag
If there's an A x
instance we'll always choose 'True
, otherwise 'False
instance (APred 'True x) => Chooses 'True (x, y)
instance (flag ~ 'False) => Chooses flag (x, y)
Then, like the advanced overlap example, I define a class identical to A
except with an extra type variable for the choice and a Proxy
argument for every member.
class SwitchA (flag :: Bool) x where
switchA :: Proxy flag -> x -> String
This is easy to define instances for
instance (A x) => SwitchA 'True (x, y) where
switchA _ = ("fst " ++) . traceA . fst
instance (A y) => SwitchA 'False (x, y) where
switchA _ = ("snd " ++) . traceA . snd
Finally, if there is a SwitchA
instance for the same type that (x, y)
, we can define an A (x, y)
instance (Chooses flag (x, y), SwitchA flag (x, y)) => A (x, y) where
traceA = switchA (Proxy :: Proxy flag)
Everything up to here compiles beautifully. However, if I try to add
traceA (ThingA, ThingB)
I get the following error.
Overlapping instances for Chooses 'True (ThingA, ThingB)
arising from a use of `traceA'
Matching instances:
instance APred 'True x => Chooses 'True (x, y)
-- Defined at defaultOverlap.hs:46:10
instance flag ~ 'False => Chooses flag (x, y)
-- Defined at defaultOverlap.hs:47:10
In the first argument of `print', namely
`(traceA (ThingA, ThingA))'
What's going on here? Why do these instances overlap when looking for an instance for Chooses 'True ...
; shouldn't the instance flag ~ 'False => Chooses flag ...
instance fail to match when flag
is already known to be 'True
Conversely, if I try
traceA (ThingB, ThingA)
I get the error
No instance for (A ThingB) arising from a use of `traceA'
In the first argument of `print', namely
`(traceA (ThingB, ThingA))'
Any insight into what is going on when I try to push the compiler into doing what it's designed not to do would be helpful.
Based on an observation from this answer, we can get rid of Chooses
completely and write
instance (APred choice x, SwitchA choice (x, y)) => A (x, y) where
traceA = switchA (Proxy :: Proxy choice)
This solves the problem for traceA (ThingB, ThingA)
Upvotes: 5
Views: 176
Reputation: 14598
To see what is really going on, look at the Chooses
class. Specifically, notice that it is not lazy in the False
case (ie, when it cannot immediately determine it should have value true):
chooses :: Chooses b x => x -> Proxy b
chooses _ = Proxy
>:t chooses (ThingA, ())
chooses (ThingA, ()) :: Proxy 'True
>:t chooses (ThingB, ())
<interactive>:1:1: Warning:
Couldn't match type 'True with 'False
In the expression: chooses (ThingB, ())
The reason why it isn't lazy isn't quite so simple. The most specific instance, which is
instance (APred 'True x) => Chooses 'True (x, y)
is tried first. To verify if this, the compiler must check the APred
. Here, instance APred 'True ThingA
does not match, because you have ThingB
. So it falls through to the 2nd instance and unifies flag
(in Chooses) with False. Then the constraint APred 'True x
cannot hold! So typechecking fails. The type error you got is sort of strange, but I think that is because you don't have OverlappingInstances enabled. When I turn it on with your code, I get the following:
>traceA (ThingA, ThingA)
"fst ThingA"
>traceA (ThingB, ThingA)
Couldn't match type 'True with 'False
In the expression: traceA (ThingB, ThingA)
In an equation for `it': it = traceA (ThingB, ThingA)
Which is as expected - the types True and False cannot be unified.
The fix is quite simple. Convert your classes to type functions. Type functions are essentially equivalent, but "more lazy". This is very hand wavy - sorry I don't have a better explanation why it works.
type family APred' x :: Bool where
APred' ThingA = True
APred' x = False
type family Chooses' x :: Bool where
Chooses' (x, y) = APred' x
instance (Chooses' (x,y) ~ flag, SwitchA flag (x, y)) => A (x, y) where
traceA = switchA (Proxy :: Proxy flag)
Now you think "oh no, I have to rewrite all my code to use type families." That is not the case, since you can always "lower" a type family to a Class predicate with a functional dependency:
instance Chooses' x ~ b => Chooses b x
Now your original instance instance (Chooses flag (x, y), SwitchA flag (x, y)) => A (x, y) where ...
will work as expected.
>traceA (ThingA, ThingA)
"fst ThingA"
>traceA (ThingB, ThingA)
"snd ThingA"
Upvotes: 2