Reputation: 65
I'm trying to create a method that, given the name of the file where to write to and a list of strings, writes to file the contents of that list, 3 strings at a time.
James Philipp Francis
Carl Tom Matt
Audrey Adam Patrick
So far, I have this:
toFile :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
toFile s [] = appendFile s ""
toFile s (x:y:z:xs) = appendFile s (x ++ " " ++ y ++ " " ++ z ++ "\n")
But I don't know how to apply recursivity in IO... Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 145
Reputation: 14598
First imagine what you would do if you were to return a list. I think it should seem pretty straightforward.
groupStrings :: [String] -> [String]
groupStrings [] = []
groupStrings (x:y:z:r) = (x ++ " " ++ y ++ " " ++ z ++ "\n") : groupStrings r
Note that this pattern is non-exhaustive: you have to handle the case where the list has 1 or 2 elements. The simplest way of doing this is adding more cases:
groupStrings :: [String] -> [String]
groupStrings [] = []
groupStrings [x] = x ++ "\n"
groupStrings [x,y] = x ++ " " ++ y ++ "\n"
groupStrings (x:y:z:r) = (x ++ " " ++ y ++ " " ++ z ++ "\n") : groupStrings r
Then your function is
toFile :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
toFile s xs = mapM_ (appendFile s) (groupStrings xs)
If you want, you can inline the definitions of mapM_
and groupStrings
to see what is going on:
toFile :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
toFile s [] = return () -- appendFile s "" does nothing
toFile s [x] = appendFile s $ x ++ "\n"
toFile s [x,y] = appendFile s $ x ++ " " ++ y ++ "\n"
toFile s (x:y:z:r) = do
appendFile s (x ++ " " ++ y ++ " " ++ z ++ "\n")
toFile s $ groupStrings r
You can also write this quite nicely as a one-liner:
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
toFile s = mapM_ (\x -> appendFile s $ intercalate " " x ++ "\n") . chunksOf 3
Upvotes: 4