
Reputation: 1658

Find max integer in a list in prolog

I am trying to find the max number in a list. I know there are several solutions available online but I feel the best way to learn is to implement on my own.

I wrote the following code:

    (  H >= Res
    -> max(T,Res1), Res1 = H
    ;  max(T,Res)

Can someone point out my mistake? I am not able to figure it out.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 5033

Answers (2)


Reputation: 18726

Consider the code presented in my answer to related question "Finding the max in a list - Prolog".

The code in mentioned answer is based on the foldl/4.

Here, I show how to do it with the meta-predicates combine/3 and reduce/3. First, combine/3:

:- meta_predicate combine(3,?,?).
combine( _ ,[]    ,[]).
combine(P_3,[X|Xs],Ys) :-

:- meta_predicate list_combined_(?,?,3).
list_combined_([]    ,[], _ ).
list_combined_([X|Xs],Ys,P_3) :-

:- meta_predicate list_prev_combined_(?,?,?,3).    
list_prev_combined_([]     ,X ,[X]   , _ ).
list_prev_combined_([X1|Xs],X0,[Y|Ys],P_3) :-

Building on combine/3 we can define reduce/3 as follows:

:- meta_predicate reduce(3,?,?).
reduce(P_3,[X|Xs],V) :- 

:- meta_predicate list_aka_prev_reduced_(?,?,?,?,3).
list_aka_prev_reduced_([]   ,_ ,V ,V, _ ).
list_aka_prev_reduced_([_|_],Xs,X0,V,P_3) :-

Regarding the shape of their respective proof trees, foldl/4 is similar to lists, while combine/3 and reduce/3 are similar to balanced binary trees.

Consider the following queries:

:- use_module(library(lambda)).

?- foldl(\X^Y^f(X,Y)^true, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], 0,S).
S = f(7,f(6,f(5,f(4,f(3,f(2,f(1,0))))))).

?- combine(\X^Y^f(X,Y)^true, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], S).
S = [f(1,2),f(3,4),f(5,6),7].

?- reduce(\X^Y^f(X,Y)^true, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], S).
S = f(f(f(1,2),f(3,4)),f(f(5,6),7)).

reduce/3 is based on combine/3 and applies it until all items have been combined to one:

?- combine(\X^Y^f(X,Y)^true, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], S).
S = [f(1,2),f(3,4),f(5,6),7].

?- combine(\X^Y^f(X,Y)^true, [f(1,2),f(3,4),f(5,6),7], S).
S = [f(f(1,2),f(3,4)),f(f(5,6),7)].

?- combine(\X^Y^f(X,Y)^true, [f(f(1,2),f(3,4)),f(f(5,6),7)], S).
S = [f(f(f(1,2),f(3,4)),f(f(5,6),7))].

?- reduce(\X^Y^f(X,Y)^true, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], S).
S =  f(f(f(1,2),f(3,4)),f(f(5,6),7)).

Let's use it for getting the maximum integer Max in list [1,5,2,4,3,8,7,2]:

:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

?- reduce(\X^Y^XY^(XY #= max(X,Y)), [1,5,2,4,3,8,7,2], Max).
Max = 8.

℅ If you can't use clpfd, simply use is/2 instead of (#=)/2:
?- reduce(\X^Y^XY^(XY is max(X,Y)), [1,5,2,4,3,8,7,2], Max).
Max = 8.

Upvotes: 2

Patrick J. S.
Patrick J. S.

Reputation: 2935

You aren't ensuring that Res is instantiated. You don't neccesary need a helper predicate to do that. You could make the recursive call before the check if Res is bigger than H where Res is the biggest integer of T.

You can use ->, but you don't have to. But if you don't, a little bit more backtracking would be involved.

If you try to stay more on your route with recursion after the check, you'll need a helper predicate, as lurker has suggested.

Edit: Since the answer is accepted now, here are the three suggestions implemented:

max1([H|T], Y):-  % with the -> operator, call first
    (H > X ->
     H = Y;
     Y = X).

max2([H|T], Y):-  % without the -> operator, call first (this might be very inefficient)
    H < Y.
max2([H|T], H):-
    H >= Y.

max3([H|T], Y) :- max_(T,H,Y).            % with helper predicate
max_([H|T],HighestNow,Highest):-          % call after the test
    (H > HighestNow -> max_(T,H, Highest)

Upvotes: 1

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