Reputation: 41
I'm very new to data binding and the two frameworks. Right now I'm pretty stuck at how to bind the data within a polymer element.
For example, I have a book list with books' name. If I only use blaze to do the rendering, I would do it in the follow way:
books: function () {
return Books.find({});
<template name="bookList">
{{#each books}}
{{> book}}
<template name="book">
Now I'm using it with polymer, I do:
<polymer-element name="my-book-list">
<template name="bookList">
{{#each books}}
{{> book}}
<template name="book">
So I place the dynamic data inside of the polymer item through the content block. Although it still does the job, I don't want it that way. I want to do the data-binding inside the polymer element, something like(I hope it makes sense to you):
<polymer-element name="my-book-list">
<template bind="{{books}}">
<template repeat>
<template name="bookList">
Is there a way to do it? Thanks in advance.
I now can put books purely inside the polymer element, the problem now is that it doesn't seem to react when the data change because polymer doesn't observe change of a object, and I am struggling in finding a way to observe all the nested values inside a object:
<polymer-element name="my-book-list">
<template bind="{{books | mapBooks}}">
<template repeat>
Polymer("my-book-list", {
books: Books.find(),
mapBooks : function(booksCursor) {
return { return {id:, name:}})
Upvotes: 2
Views: 624
Reputation: 41
Finally got a hacky solution, but I don't know if this is the best practice or not:
<polymer-element name="my-book-list">
//Force polymer to update DOM when books.lastUpdate change
<template bind="{{books.lastUpdate | getBooks}}">
<template repeat>
Polymer("my-book-list", {
ready: function() {
var books = this.books;
this.books.observeChanges( //Observe the change of cursor and update a field
added: function(id, fields) {
console.log("Item added");
books.lastUpdate = new Date();
changed: function(id, fields) {
console.log("Item changed");
books.lastUpdate = new Date();
removed: function(id, fields) {
console.log("Item deleted");
books.lastUpdate = new Date();
books: Books.find(),
getBooks : function() {
return Books.find().map(function(p) { return {id:, name:}})
Upvotes: 2