Reputation: 1088
I have written a function to convert an image in YUV420P to RGB but it is taking 30 millisecond to convert an image (size: 1280 x 720) into RGB, but when I am using ffmpeg function ( as this) to convert YUV image into RGB its taking only 2 millisecond for the same image. What is the problem with my code ? How can I optimize the code that I have written ?? My code is given below
int step = origImage->widthStep;
uchar *data = (uchar *)origImage->imageData;
int size = origImage->width * origImage->height;
IplImage* img1 = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(origImage), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
for (int i = 0; i<origImage->height; i++)
for (int j=0; j<origImage->width; j++)
float Y = data[i*step + j];
float U = data[ (int)(size + (i/2)*(step/2) + j/2) ];
float V = data[ (int)(size*1.25 + (i/2)*(step/2) + j/2)];
float R = Y + 1.402 * (V - 128);
float G = Y - 0.344 * (U - 128) - 0.714 * (V - 128);
float B = Y + 1.772 * (U - 128);
if (R < 0){ R = 0; } if (G < 0){ G = 0; } if (B < 0){ B = 0; }
if (R > 255 ){ R = 255; } if (G > 255) { G = 255; } if (B > 255) { B = 255; }
cvSet2D(img1, i, j,cvScalar(B,G,R));
Upvotes: 1
Views: 6707
Reputation: 11926
Here, try this(should reduce to 25 milliseconds):
int step = origImage->widthStep;
uchar *data = (uchar *)origImage->imageData;
int size = origImage->width * origImage->height;
IplImage* img1 = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(origImage), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
int stepDb2=step /2;
float sizeMb1d25=size*1.25 ;
int origImagePTheight=origImage->height;
int origImagePTwidth=origImage->width;
for (int i = 0; i<origImagePTheight; i++)
float idb2=i/2;
int iStep=i*step;
for (int j=0; j<origImagePTwidth; j++)
float variable=idb2*stepDb2 + j/2;
float Y = data[iStep + j];
float U = -128 + data[ (int)(size + variable) ];
float V = -128 + data[ (int)(sizeMb1d25 + variable)];
float R = Y + 1.402 * V ;
float G = Y - 0.344 * U - 0.714 * V;
float B = Y + 1.772 * U;
R= R * !(R<0);
G= G * !(G<0);
B= B * !(B<0);
R=R*(!(R>255)) + 255 * (R>255);
G=G*(!(G>255)) + 255 * (G>255);
B=B*(!(B>255)) + 255 * (B>255);
cvSet2D(img1, i, j,cvScalar(B,G,R));
Upvotes: 1