Reputation: 5514
I'm trying to create an MS Access database from Python and was wondering if it's possible to create a table directly from a pandas dataframe. I know that I can use pandas dataframe.to_sql()
function to successfully write the dataframe to an SQLite database or by an using sqlalchemy engine for some other database format (but not Access unfortunately) but I can't get all the pieces parts to come together. Here's the code snippet that I've been testing with:
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy
import pypyodbc # Used to actually create the .mdb file
import pyodbc
# Connection function to use for sqlalchemy
def Connection():
MDB = 'C:\\database.mdb'
DRV = '{Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}'
connection_string = 'Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=%s' % MDB
return pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={};DBQ={}'.format(DRV,MDB))
# Try to connect to the database
Conn = Connection()
# If it fails because its not been created yet, create it and connect to it
Conn = Connection()
# Create the sqlalchemy engine using the pyodbc connection
Engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mysql+pyodbc://', creator=Connection)
# Some dataframe
data = {'Values' : [1., 2., 3., 4.],
'FruitsAndPets' : ["Apples", "Oranges", "Puppies", "Ducks"]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Try to send it to the access database (and fail)
df.to_sql('FruitsAndPets', Engine, index = False)
I'm not sure that what I'm trying to do is even possible with the current packages I'm using but I wanted to check here before I write my own hacky dataframe to MS Access table function. Maybe my sqlalchemy engine is set up wrong?
Here's the end of my error with mssql+pyodbc
in the engine:
cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
and the ending error for mysql+pyodbc
in the engine:
cursor.execute(statement, parameters)
sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (ProgrammingError) ('42000', "[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Invalid SQL statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'. (-3500) (SQLExecDirectW)") "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set%%'" ()
Just to note, I don't care if I use sqlalchemy or pandas to_sql()
I just am looking for some easy way of getting a dataframe into my MS Access database easily. If that's dump to JSON then a loop function to insert rows using SQL manually, whatever, if it works well I'll take it.
Upvotes: 8
Views: 13934
Reputation: 319
For those still looking into this, basically you can't use pandas to_sql method for MS Access without a great deal of difficulty. If you are determined to do it this way, here is a link where someone fixed sqlalchemy's Access dialect (and presumably the OP's code would work with this Engine):
connecting sqlalchemy to MSAccess
The best way to get a data frame into MS Access is to build the INSERT statments from the records, then simply connect via pyodbc or pypyodbc and execute them with a cursor. You have to do inserts one at a time, its probably best to break this up into chunks (around 5000) if you have a lot of data.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 33111
There is a short tutorial on the pypyodbc website for executing SQL commands and populating an Access database:
I also found this useful Python wiki article:
It states that mxODBC also has the capability to work with MS Access. A long time ago, I believe I successfully used ADOdb to connect to MS Access as well.
A few years ago, SQLAlchemy had experimental support for Microsoft Access. I used it to move an Access database to MS SQL Server at the time. I used SQLAlchemy to autoload / reflect the database. It was super handy. I believe that code was in version 0.5. You can read a bit about what what I did here.
Upvotes: 3