Reputation: 21
I'm calling a function in an undocumented DLL which unpacks a file.
There must be a mistake in the way the header is declared / allocated but can't figure out what is going wrong.
Project character set in VS 2010 is Unicode.
Can call the DLL function succesfully from C# with the snippet below (but I need to make it work in c++):
[DllImport("unpacker.dll", EntryPoint = "UnpackFile", PreserveSig = false)]
internal static extern IntPtr UnpackFile(byte[] file, int fileSize,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuilder header, int headerSize);
If I uncomment of move one the headers an Acccess Violation pops up. The function also returns 0 which it doesn't in C#.
Any thoughts?
Code in the VC++ 2010 project:
// unpacker.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
typedef void* (*UnpackFile)(unsigned char*, int, LPTSTR, int);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
LPTSTR header;
//Move this and get a access violation on the _UnpackFile(filetounpack... line
static unsigned char *filetounpack; //Buffer to byte array with the file to unpack
int filelen; //variable to store the length of the file
HINSTANCE dllHandle; // Handle to DLL
UnpackFile _UnpackFile; // Function pointer
ifstream filetoread; //Stream class to read from files
static LPTSTR header2; //Buffer for the header 2nd ("c:/projects/testfile.bin", ios::in | ios::binary|ios::ate);
filelen = filetoread.tellg(); //read the length
filetounpack = new unsigned char [filelen]; //allocate space
filetoread.seekg (0, ios::beg); //set beginning ((char *)filetounpack, filelen); //read the file into the buffer
filetoread.close(); //close the file
dllHandle = LoadLibrary(_T("unpacker.dll"));
_UnpackFile = (UnpackFile)GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "UnpackFile");
//header = new _TCHAR[filelen]; //Allocate memory for header
header2 = new _TCHAR[filelen]; //Allocate memory for header
//Access violation reading location 0xffffffffffffffff!!!
void* tmp = _UnpackFile(filetounpack ,filelen ,header2 ,filelen);
delete[] filetounpack;
delete[] header;
delete[] header2;
return 0;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 518
Reputation: 942408
typedef void* (*UnpackFile)(unsigned char*, int, LPTSTR, int);
That does not match the CallingConvention property of your C# declaration. The default for C# is StdCall, the default for native C++ projects is __cdecl. Fix:
typedef void* (__stdcall * UnpackFile)(unsigned char*, int, LPTSTR, int);
And keep in mind that error checking is never optional in C++, you really do need to check if LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress() succeeded. Automatic in C#, not in C++. Both functions return NULL when they fail.
Upvotes: 5