Reputation: 653
I want to have smooth text in my game. I found that solution is pixel shader, so i do every thing like is described on github documentation . I've got font.vert and font.frag files and in this documentation is said that i should use const float smoothing = 0.25f / (spread * scale). My font is 48 px size thus i use 0.25f/48.0f but my font is stil sharp and ragged. What am i doing wrong ?
this is font.frag :
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
uniform sampler2D u_texture;
varying vec4 v_color;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
const float smoothing = 0.25/48.0 ;
void main() {
float distance = texture2D(u_texture, v_texCoord).a;
float alpha = smoothstep(0.5 - smoothing, 0.5 + smoothing, distance);
gl_FragColor = vec4(v_color.rgb, alpha);
I alos use linear filter for my font:
arial_white_48.getRegion().getTexture().setFilter(TextureFilter.Linear, TextureFilter.Linear);
text "your score" is written with pixel shader and linear filter
text "high score" is writte only with linear filter but it is stil sharp
Upvotes: 5
Views: 369
Reputation: 755
Well, it's an 8 months old question, but maybe your are still interested in the answer. Or at least someone with the same problem will be.
To have smooth fonts, I use free type fonts, and I create them in my loading screen. For that you need an asset manager.
Usually I create my asset manager in my main activty :
public class MyGdxGame extends Game implements ApplicationListener {
public SpriteBatch batch;
public AssetManager assets;
public void create () {
batch = new SpriteBatch();
assets = new AssetManager();
this.setScreen(new LoadingScreen(this));
public void render () {
And in the loading screen I create the fonts with any size, based on a .ttf file :
public class LoadingScreen implements Screen{
final MyGdxGame game;
public LoadingScreen(final MyGdxGame gam){
game = gam;
FileHandleResolver resolver = new InternalFileHandleResolver();
game.assets.setLoader(FreeTypeFontGenerator.class, new FreeTypeFontGeneratorLoader(resolver));
game.assets.setLoader(BitmapFont.class, ".ttf", new FreetypeFontLoader(resolver));
FreeTypeFontLoaderParameter size1Params = new FreeTypeFontLoaderParameter();
size1Params.fontFileName = "Fonts/calibri.ttf";
size1Params.fontParameters.genMipMaps = true;
size1Params.fontParameters.minFilter = TextureFilter.Linear;
size1Params.fontParameters.magFilter = TextureFilter.Linear;
size1Params.fontParameters.size =;
game.assets.load("font1.ttf", BitmapFont.class, size1Params);
FreeTypeFontLoaderParameter size2Params = new FreeTypeFontLoaderParameter();
size2Params.fontFileName = "Fonts/calibri.ttf";
size2Params.fontParameters.genMipMaps = true;
size2Params.fontParameters.minFilter = TextureFilter.Linear;
size2Params.fontParameters.magFilter = TextureFilter.Linear;
size2Params.fontParameters.size =;
game.assets.load("font2.ttf", BitmapFont.class, size2Params);
With this method you can create very smooth font of any size. The trick to make them smooth is in these 3 lines :
size2Params.fontParameters.genMipMaps = true;
size2Params.fontParameters.minFilter = TextureFilter.Linear;
size2Params.fontParameters.magFilter = TextureFilter.Linear;
Finally, when you need to use one of your font, you need to use :
game.assets.get("font1.ttf", BitmapFont.class)
Be careful with the name of your fonts. For the 2 fonts that I created in this example, font1
and font2
, I used a single .ttf file that is calibri.ttf
, but when I call the created fonts in my code I need to call font1.ttf
or font2.ttf
, even if there are no such .ttf files in my asset.
Upvotes: 1