Reputation: 4432
I wrote a quick and dirty macro to time lisp code. However, the problem I am facing now is that I wanted to include an optional output-stream in the function. However, I can not figure out how to use both the &optional
and &body
parameters in the defmacro
. I looked for examples but found only those for defun
which I think I understand. I am not able to figure out why this is failing for me. Any hints:
(defmacro timeit (&optional (out-stream *standard-output*) (runs 1) &body body)
"Note that this function may barf if you are depending on a single evaluation
and choose runs to be greater than one. But I guess that will be the
caller's mistake instead."
(let ((start-time (gensym))
(stop-time (gensym))
(temp (gensym))
(retval (gensym)))
`(let ((,start-time (get-internal-run-time))
(,retval (let ((,temp))
(dotimes (i ,runs ,temp)
(setf ,temp ,@body))))
(,stop-time (get-internal-run-time)))
(format ,out-stream
"~CTime spent in expression over ~:d iterations: ~f seconds.~C"
#\linefeed ,runs
(/ (- ,stop-time ,start-time)
This is how I intend to use the code:
(timeit (+ 1 1)) ; Vanilla call
(timeit *standard-output* (+ 1 1)) ; Log the output to stdout
(timeit *standard-output* 1000 (+ 1 1)) ; Time over a 1000 iterations.
I think this, found from the hyperspec, on defmacro
is a similar idea.
(defmacro mac2 (&optional (a 2 b) (c 3 d) &rest x) `'(,a ,b ,c ,d ,x)) => MAC2
(mac2 6) => (6 T 3 NIL NIL)
(mac2 6 3 8) => (6 T 3 T (8))
The usage shown above is clearly flawed. Perhaps, this is better:
(timeit (+ 1 1)) ; Vanilla call
(timeit :out-stream *standard-output* (+ 1 1)) ; Log the output to stdout
(timeit :out-stream *standard-output* :runs 1000 (+ 1 1)) ; Time over a 1000 iterations.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 2668
Reputation: 85913
I've of the general opinion that these kind of arguments should generally be provided in a separate list that is the first argument to the macro. This is especially common in the with- type macros. Some other answers have shown how you can do that, but I think it's also a good macro-writing technique to write a functional version first that implements the main functionality, and to then write a macro version. This one isn't too hard, although the approach here does have the potential to add some time increase for function call overhead.
(defun %timeit (function &optional (runs 1) (stream *standard-output*))
(let ((start (get-internal-run-time))
(prog1 (dotimes (i runs ret)
(declare (ignorable i))
(setf ret (funcall function)))
(setf stop (get-internal-run-time))
(format stream "~&Time spent in ~a iterations: ~f seconds."
(/ (- stop start) internal-time-units-per-second)))))
(defmacro timeit ((&optional (runs 1) (stream *standard-output*)) &body body)
`(%timeit #'(lambda () ,@body) ,runs ,stream))
CL-USER> (timeit (10000000) (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
Time spent in 10000000 iterations: 0.148 seconds.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4432
(defmacro timeit ((&key
(to-stream *standard-output*)
(with-runs 1))
&body body)
"Note that this function may barf if you are depending on a single evaluation
and choose with-runs to be greater than one. But I guess that will be the
caller's mistake instead."
(let ((start-time (gensym))
(stop-time (gensym))
(temp (gensym))
(retval (gensym))
(elapsed-time (gensym)))
`(let* ((,start-time (get-internal-run-time))
(,retval (let ((,temp))
(dotimes (i ,with-runs ,temp)
(setf ,temp ,@body))))
(,stop-time (get-internal-run-time))
(,elapsed-time (/ (- ,stop-time ,start-time)
(format ,to-stream
(concatenate 'string
"~CAverage (total) time spent in expression"
" over ~:d iterations: ~f (~f) seconds.~C")
(/ ,elapsed-time ,with-runs)
Based on Rainer's comments.
Usage pattern:
(timeit nil (+ 1 1)) ; Vanilla case
(timeit (:to-stream *standard-output*) (+ 1 1)) ; Log to stdout
(timeit (:with-runs 1000) (+ 1 1)) ; Evaluate 1000 times
(timeit (:with-runs 1000 :to-stream *standard-output*) (+ 1 1)) ; Evaluate 1000 times and log to stdout
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 139411
How should that work?
How should it be detected that the first thing is the optional stream?
(timeit a) ; is a the optional stream or an expression to time?
(timeit a b) ; is a the optional stream or an expression to time?
(timeit a b c) ; is a the optional stream or an expression to time?
I would avoid such macro arglists.
Usually I would prefer:
(with-timings ()
a b c)
and with a stream
(with-timings (*standard-output*)
a b c)
The first list gives the optional parameters. The list itself is not optional.
That macro should be easier to write.
Generally it may not be necessary to specify a stream:
(let ((*standard-output* some-stream))
(timeit a b c))
You can implement what you want, but I would not do it:
(defmacro timeit (&rest args)
(case (length args)
(0 ...)
(1 ...)
(otherwise (destructuring-bind (stream &rest body) ...))))
Upvotes: 3