
Reputation: 605

Backbonejs collection not populated, but fetch works

Heres what I've been working on: http://jsfiddle.net/leapin_leprechaun/29aysou5/3/

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <title>Results App Training</title>

      <script src="js/libs/jquery.js"></script>
      <script src="js/libs/underscore.js"></script>
      <script src="js/libs/backbone.js"></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
    $( document ).ready(function() {

    var MatchInfo = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
    });//model class

    var matchInfo = new MatchInfo(); //model instance


    var Matches = Backbone.Collection.extend({
      model: MatchInfo, //note this references the model class, not the model instance
      url : "http://www.hookhockey.com/index.php/temp-gillian/",
      sync : function(method, collection, options) {
        // By setting the dataType to "jsonp", jQuery creates a function
        // and adds it as a callback parameter to the request, e.g.:
        // [url]&callback=jQuery19104472605645155031_1373700330157&q=bananarama
        // If you want another name for the callback, also specify the
        // jsonpCallback option.
        // After this function is called (by the JSONP response), the script tag
        // is removed and the parse method is called, just as it would be
        // when AJAX was used.
        options.dataType = "jsonp";
        return Backbone.sync(method, collection, options);
      parse : function(response) {
       // console.log(response.matches);
       //.matches is what the json at http://www.hookhockey.com/index.php/temp-gillian/ is putting out 
        return response.matches;


    }); //collection class
    var matches = new Matches(); //collection instance

    matches.bind("sync", matches.render, matches);

            success : function(collection, response, options) {

             /* notes: calling these outside of the success listener meant that nothing got returned. This is because they fire before the fetch returns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9431673/load-data-into-a-backbone-collection-from-json-file
             the alternative is to call them within the success function or to call them like so:
             .complete(function() {
                  console.log('length: ' + matches.length);

             ..after the fetch call.


              console.log('in collection instance fetch success: ' + matches.length);

             return response;

            error : function(collection, response, options) {
            // A timeout is the only way to get an error event for JSONP calls!
            timeout : 5000


    var MatchModelView = Backbone.View.extend({
     // template: _.template( $("#matchTemplate").html() ), // removed because template was not being found - uses underscore and the content from index.html script tag with the id of matchElement that contains the template tags
      id : 'someID',
      className: 'someClassName',
      initialize: function () {
            _.bindAll(this, "render");
             this.collection.bind("reset", this.render);
      render: function() {
        //var matchTemplate = this.template(this.model.toJSON()); //passes in all of the model data (using this.model.toJSON()) into the template (this.template) so that info is available to the template tags
        var matchTemplate = '<p>' + this.model.get('title') + '</p>';
        this.$el.html(matchTemplate); //pass the templated info into the el element and return it for render
        return this;

    }); //model view class
    //var matchModelView = new MatchModelView({model:matchInfo}); //model view instance

    var MatchesModelView = Backbone.View.extend({
    id: 'somethingelse',
     initialize: function () {
            _.bindAll(this, "render");
             this.collection.bind("reset", this.render);
    render: function(){

     console.log('collection length in view:' + this.collection.length); //returns 0
        this.collection.each(this.oneMatch, this); 

        return this;

    oneMatch: function (aMatch){
        var matchView = new MatchModelView ({ model: aMatch });

    }); //collection view class

    var matchesModelView = new MatchesModelView({collection: matches });



    }); //end doc ready



      <div class="site">

        <div id="allMatches">adasdasd</div>

        <div id="copy"></div>


      <script id="matchTemplate" type="text/template">
         <%= title %>

I've just put 2 alerts in there to show where I think my issue is. I can see that the call to json is working and returning items. But at the time the view kicks in I suspect the call hasn't gone through fully.

Is it bad practice to call a view from within the .fetch success callback? Am I losing the whole modularity advantage of backbone by doing that? Or am I missing something to get the returned objects into the collection?

I'm new to Backbone so you can ignore all my comments within the code, just trying to keep track!! :) I realise they should all be separated out into different js files too, am just getting to grips with things first.

Thanks for your time!

Upvotes: 0

Views: 684

Answers (1)


Reputation: 5053

I see a lot of good things, here. You're embracing the Backbone event-driven model (by rendering on sync, for example) and you're off to a good start.

Your problem is that you're calling render on the collection, and not the view, in your sync callback.

matches.bind("sync", matches.render, matches);

You want to move

matches.bind("sync", matches.render, matches);
matches.fetch({ ... });

until after you've instantiated your view. So, you'd do:

var matchesModelView = new MatchesModelView({collection: matches });
matches.bind("sync", matchesModelView.render, matches);
matches.fetch({ ... });

and notice that I replaced matches.render with matchesModelView.render as the callback of the sync event.

Upvotes: 1

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