Reputation: 2625
I am using the below mentioned library to create a barcode which is storing in a specified location as shown below:
My question is, is there a way instead of saving it to a png file I get byte data?
Code39 code = new Code39("10090");
code.Paint().Save("c:/NewBARCODE.png", ImageFormat.Png);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace BarCode39
public class Code39Settings
private int height = 60;
public int BarCodeHeight
get { return height; }
set { height = value; }
private bool drawText = true;
public bool DrawText
get { return drawText; }
set { drawText = value; }
private int leftMargin = 10;
public int LeftMargin
get { return leftMargin; }
set { leftMargin = value; }
private int rightMargin = 10;
public int RightMargin
get { return rightMargin; }
set { rightMargin = value; }
private int topMargin = 10;
public int TopMargin
get { return topMargin; }
set { topMargin = value; }
private int bottomMargin = 10;
public int BottomMargin
get { return bottomMargin; }
set { bottomMargin = value; }
private int interCharacterGap = 2;
public int InterCharacterGap
get { return interCharacterGap; }
set { interCharacterGap = value; }
private int wideWidth = 2;
public int WideWidth
get { return wideWidth; }
set { wideWidth = value; }
private int narrowWidth = 1;
public int NarrowWidth
get { return narrowWidth; }
set { narrowWidth = value; }
private Font font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 12);
public Font Font
get { return font; }
set { font = value; }
private int codeToTextGapHeight = 10;
public int BarCodeToTextGapHeight
get { return codeToTextGapHeight; }
set { codeToTextGapHeight = value; }
public class Code39
#region Static initialization
static Dictionary<char, Pattern> codes;
static Code39()
object[][] chars = new object[][]
new object[] {'0', "n n n w w n w n n"},
new object[] {'1', "w n n w n n n n w"},
new object[] {'2', "n n w w n n n n w"},
new object[] {'3', "w n w w n n n n n"},
new object[] {'4', "n n n w w n n n w"},
new object[] {'5', "w n n w w n n n n"},
new object[] {'6', "n n w w w n n n n"},
new object[] {'7', "n n n w n n w n w"},
new object[] {'8', "w n n w n n w n n"},
new object[] {'9', "n n w w n n w n n"},
new object[] {'A', "w n n n n w n n w"},
new object[] {'B', "n n w n n w n n w"},
new object[] {'C', "w n w n n w n n n"},
new object[] {'D', "n n n n w w n n w"},
new object[] {'E', "w n n n w w n n n"},
new object[] {'F', "n n w n w w n n n"},
new object[] {'G', "n n n n n w w n w"},
new object[] {'H', "w n n n n w w n n"},
new object[] {'I', "n n w n n w w n n"},
new object[] {'J', "n n n n w w w n n"},
new object[] {'K', "w n n n n n n w w"},
new object[] {'L', "n n w n n n n w w"},
new object[] {'M', "w n w n n n n w n"},
new object[] {'N', "n n n n w n n w w"},
new object[] {'O', "w n n n w n n w n"},
new object[] {'P', "n n w n w n n w n"},
new object[] {'Q', "n n n n n n w w w"},
new object[] {'R', "w n n n n n w w n"},
new object[] {'S', "n n w n n n w w n"},
new object[] {'T', "n n n n w n w w n"},
new object[] {'U', "w w n n n n n n w"},
new object[] {'V', "n w w n n n n n w"},
new object[] {'W', "w w w n n n n n n"},
new object[] {'X', "n w n n w n n n w"},
new object[] {'Y', "w w n n w n n n n"},
new object[] {'Z', "n w w n w n n n n"},
new object[] {'-', "n w n n n n w n w"},
new object[] {'.', "w w n n n n w n n"},
new object[] {' ', "n w w n n n w n n"},
new object[] {'*', "n w n n w n w n n"},
new object[] {'$', "n w n w n w n n n"},
new object[] {'/', "n w n w n n n w n"},
new object[] {'+', "n w n n n w n w n"},
new object[] {'%', "n n n w n w n w n"}
codes = new Dictionary<char, Pattern>();
foreach (object[] c in chars)
codes.Add((char)c[0], Pattern.Parse((string)c[1]));
private static Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Black);
private static Brush brush = Brushes.Black;
private string code;
private Code39Settings settings;
public Code39(string code)
: this(code, new Code39Settings())
public Code39(string code, Code39Settings settings)
foreach (char c in code)
if (!codes.ContainsKey(c))
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid character encountered in specified code.");
if (!code.StartsWith("*"))
code = "*" + code;
if (!code.EndsWith("*"))
code = code + "*";
this.code = code;
this.settings = settings;
public Bitmap Paint()
string code = this.code.Trim('*');
SizeF sizeCodeText = Graphics.FromImage(new Bitmap(1, 1)).MeasureString(code, settings.Font);
int w = settings.LeftMargin + settings.RightMargin;
foreach (char c in this.code)
w += codes[c].GetWidth(settings) + settings.InterCharacterGap;
w -= settings.InterCharacterGap;
int h = settings.TopMargin + settings.BottomMargin + settings.BarCodeHeight;
if (settings.DrawText)
h += settings.BarCodeToTextGapHeight + (int)sizeCodeText.Height;
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(w, h, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
int left = settings.LeftMargin;
foreach (char c in this.code)
left += codes[c].Paint(settings, g, left) + settings.InterCharacterGap;
if (settings.DrawText)
int tX = settings.LeftMargin + (w - settings.LeftMargin - settings.RightMargin - (int)sizeCodeText.Width) / 2;
if (tX < 0)
tX = 0;
int tY = settings.TopMargin + settings.BarCodeHeight + settings.BarCodeToTextGapHeight;
g.DrawString(code, settings.Font, brush, tX, tY);
return bmp;
private class Pattern
private bool[] nw = new bool[9];
public static Pattern Parse(string s)
Debug.Assert(s != null);
s = s.Replace(" ", "").ToLower();
Debug.Assert(s.Length == 9);
Debug.Assert(s.Replace("n", "").Replace("w", "").Length == 0);
Pattern p = new Pattern();
int i = 0;
foreach (char c in s)
p.nw[i++] = c == 'w';
return p;
public int GetWidth(Code39Settings settings)
int width = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
width += (nw[i] ? settings.WideWidth : settings.NarrowWidth);
return width;
public int Paint(Code39Settings settings, Graphics g, int left)
Rectangle gray = new Rectangle(left, 0, GetWidth(settings), settings.BarCodeHeight + settings.TopMargin + settings.BottomMargin);
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Gray, gray);
int x = left;
int w = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
int width = (nw[i] ? settings.WideWidth : settings.NarrowWidth);
if (i % 2 == 0)
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(x, settings.TopMargin, width, settings.BarCodeHeight);
g.FillRectangle(brush, r);
x += width;
w += width;
return w;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 942
Reputation: 36287
One method is to use a MemoryStream
Example from this forum
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
// Save to memory using the Jpeg format
code.Paint().Save (ms, ImageFormat.Jpeg);
// read to end
byte[] bmpBytes = ms.GetBuffer();
You can read more about Bitmap and how to use the properties and methods on msdn.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 18013
Write it to a MemoryStream
Code39 code = new Code39("10090");
var s = new MemoryStream();
code.Paint().Save(s, ImageFormat.Png);
// you can then get the array with ToArray();
var arr = s.ToArray();
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 532445
Create a MemoryStream and save it to that instead. Then you can use ToArray() on the stream to get the data.
byte[] bytes;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
Code39 code = new Code39("10090");
code.Paint().Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png);
bytes = stream.ToArray();
Upvotes: 4