Reputation: 1414
I have an Invoice composed by more transactions, any transaction has a total amount as final result which comes from the multiplication of two values: quantity and fare
I am try to calculate the sum of all these total of any transaction
This is the error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getEach' of undefined
I understand why this happens, the value total does not exist yet( because it s not still calculated)
This is my model with the function transactionsAmounts
App.Invoice = DS.Model.extend({
title : DS.attr('string'),
transactions : DS.hasMany('transaction', { async:true}),
transactionsAmounts: function() {
var sum = function(s1, s2) { return s1 + s2; };
return this.get('model').getEach('total').reduce(sum);
}.property('[email protected]'),
App.Transaction = DS.Model.extend({
quantity: DS.attr('string'),
fare: DS.attr('string'),
total: DS.attr('string'),
invoice: DS.belongsTo('invoice'),
updateTotal: function() {
// get the reference to the values of fare and quantity
var quantity = this.get('quantity'),
fare = this.get('fare');
// massage them to make sure your stuff is not gonna break
if (isNaN(fare)) { fare = 0; }
if (isNaN(quantity)) { quantity = 0; }
// calculate
var total = fare * quantity;
// set the total
this.set('total', total);
}.observes('quantity', 'fare')
this is an other function i have used to calculate all the totals and i get the same error
transactionsAmounts: function(){
var totals = this.get("total");
return totals.reduce(function(previousValue, total){
return previousValue + totals.get("transactionsAmounts");
}, 0);
}.property("[email protected]")
I have reproduced the case in this jsbin
How i can do it?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 128
Reputation: 874
Here is a working js bin with your code bit modified :,console,output
your problem is in your model declaration in which your are mixing few stuff :
App.Invoice = DS.Model.extend({
title : DS.attr('string'),
transactions : DS.hasMany('transaction', { async:true}),
transactionsAmounts: 0,
setTransactionAmount : function(){
var sum=0;
}.observes('transactions.length', '[email protected]'), /
first of all look at the property
or observes
you try to refer to model.@each
this is good for an ArrayController
but you are in a DS.Model
:) what you wanted to observes
was the transactions.
However those transactions
are async thus ember will load a "promise" thus working with "async" javascript.
Upvotes: 1