Reputation: 597382
I need to package my test classes, resources and also test dependencies with sbt assembly.
This question sbt-assembly : including test classes didn't help - test:assembly still didn't generate a jar with any of the desired classes included.
Note that my setup currently looks like this:
lazy val cucumberAssemblySettings = assemblySettings ++ Seq(
mainClass in assembly := Some("cucumber.api.cli.Main"),
jarName in assembly := "cucumber.jar",
mergeStrategy in assembly := {
case "application.conf" => MergeStrategy.concat
case "logback.xml" => MergeStrategy.last
case x => defaultMergeStrategy(x)
And it's about the subproject foo-cucumber
lazy val foo_cucumber = Project("foo-cucumber", file("foo-cucumber"))
.settings(defaultSettings: _*)
.settings(cucumberAssemblySettings: _*)
foo_test_server % "compile->compile;test->test",
foo_test_utils % "compile->compile;test->test"
even if I append (Test, assembly)
in the settings above, I only get a jar (whose name is not the one specified, but the full name, with version) that does not contain test classes or dependencies, no matter whether I invoke sbt foo-cucumber/test:assembly
or sbt foo-cucumber/assembly
How do I get a jar that has everything in it (compile and test classes and dependencies)
Upvotes: 10
Views: 2522
Reputation: 597382
The key for the multi-module project is to set the settings this way:
.settings(inConfig(Test)(cucumberAssemblySettings): _*)
and then not have any in (Test, assembly)
in the settings
Upvotes: 3