Good evening, I have an array in java with n
integer numbers. I want to check if there is a subset of size k of the entries that satisfies the condition:
The sum of those k entries is a multiple of m.
How may I do this as efficiently as possible? There are n!/k!(n-k)!
subsets that I need to check.
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If numbers have lower and upper bounds, it might be better to:
s of n
where lower_bound * k < multiple < upper_bound * k
in the array (see Subset Sum problem) using dynamic programming.Complexity is O(k^2 * (lower_bound + upper_bound)^2)
. This approach can be optimized further, I believe with careful thinking.
Otherwise you can find all subsets of size k
. Complexity is O(n!)
. Using backtracking (pseudocode-ish):
function find_subsets(array, k, index, current_subset):
if current_subset.size = k:
add current_subset to your solutions list
if index = array.size:
number := array[index]
add number to current_subset
find_subsets(array, k, index + 1, current_subset)
remove number from current_subset
find_subsets(array, k, index + 1, current_subset)
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I don't like this solution, but it may work for your needs
public boolean containsSubset( int[] a , int currentIndex, int currentSum, int depth, int divsor, int maxDepth){
//you could make a, maxDepth, and divisor static as well
//If maxDepthis equal to depth, then our subset has k elements, in addition the sum of
//elements must be divisible by out divsor, m
//If this condition is satisafied, then there exists a subset of size k whose sum is divisible by m
return true;
//If the depth is greater than or equal maxDepth, our subset has more than k elements, thus
//adding more elements can not satisfy the necessary conditions
//additionally we know that if it contains k elements and is divisible by m, it would've satisafied the above condition.
return false;
//boolean to be returned, initialized to false because we have not found any sets yet
boolean ret = false;
//iterate through all remaining elements of our array
for (int i = currentIndex+1; i < a.length; i++){
//this may be an optimization or this line
//for (int i = currentIndex+1; i < a.length-maxDepth+depth; i++){
//by recursing, we add a[i] to our set we then use an or operation on all our subsets that could
//be constructed from the numbers we have so far so that if any of them satisfy our condition (return true)
//then the value of the variable ret will be true
ret |= containsSubset(a,i,currentSum+a[i],depth+1,divisor, maxDepth);
} //end for
//return the variable storing whether any sets of numbers that could be constructed from the numbers so far.
return ret;
Then invoke this method as such
//this invokes our method with "no numbers added to our subset so far" so it will try adding
// all combinations of other elements to determine if the condition is satisfied.
boolean answer = containsSubset(myArray,-1,0,0,m,k);
You could probably optimize this by taking everything modulo (%) m and deleting repeats. For examples with large values of n and/or k, but small values of m, this could be a pretty big optimization.
The above optimization I listed isn't helpful. You may need the repeats to get the correct information. My bad.
Happy Coding! Let me know if you have any questions!
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You can use dynamic programming. The state is (prefix length, sum modulo m, number of elements in a subset). Transitions are obvious: we either add one more number(increasing the number of elements in a subset and computing new sum modulo m), or we just increase prefix lenght(not adding the current number). If you just need a yes/no answer, you can store only the last layer of values and apply bit optimizations to compute transitions faster. The time complexity is O(n * m * k), or about n * m * k / 64 operations with bit optimizations. The space complexity is O(m * k). It looks feasible for a few thousands of elements. By bit optimizations I mean using things like bitset in C++ that can perform an operation on a group of bits at the same time using bitwise operations.
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