Reputation: 479
I am trying this problem for a while but getting wrong answer again and again. number can be very large <=2^2014. 22086. Prime Power Test
Explanation about my algorithm:
till log (n base 2)
and exit
.Here is My python code Please suggest me if I am doing something wrong I am not very proficient in python so my algorithm is a bit lengthy. Thanks in advance.
My Algorithm:
import math
import sys
import fractions
import random
import decimal
write = sys.stdout.write
def sieve(n):
sqrtn = int(n**0.5)
sieve = [True] * (n+1)
sieve[0] = False
sieve[1] = False
for i in range(2, sqrtn+1):
if sieve[i]:
m = n//i - i
sieve[i*i:n+1:i] = [False] * (m+1)
return sieve
def gcd(a, b):
while b:
a, b = b, a%b
return a
def mr_pass(a, s, d, n):
a_to_power = pow(a, d, n)
if a_to_power == 1:
return True
for i in range(s-1):
if a_to_power == n - 1:
return True
a_to_power = (a_to_power * a_to_power) % n
return a_to_power == n - 1
sprime= [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311,313,317,331,337,347,349,353,359,367,373,379,383,389,397,401,409,419,421,431,433,439,443,449,457,461,463,467,479,487,491,499,503,509,521,523,541,547,557,563,569,571,577,587,593,599,601,607,613,617,619,631,641,643,647,653,659,661,673,677,683,691,701,709,719,727,733,739,743,751,757,761,769,773,787,797,809,811,821,823,827,829,839,853,857,859,863,877,881,883,887,907,911,919,929,937,941,947,953,967,971,977,983,991,997]
def smooth_num(n):
for a in sprime:
return True;
return False
def is_prime(n):
return isprime[n]
if any((n % p) == 0 for p in sprime):
return False
if n==2:
return True
d = n - 1
s = 0
while d % 2 == 0:
d >>= 1
s += 1
for repeat in range(10):
if not mr_pass(a, s, d, n):
return False
return True
def iroot(n,k):
hi = 1
while pow(hi, k) < n:
hi *= 2
lo = hi // 2
while hi - lo > 1:
mid = (lo + hi) // 2
midToK = (mid**k)
if midToK < n:
lo = mid
elif n < midToK:
hi = mid
return mid
if (hi**k) == n:
return hi
return lo
def isqrt(x):
n = int(x)
if n == 0:
return 0
a, b = divmod(n.bit_length(), 2)
x = pow(2,(a+b))
while True:
y = (x + n//x)>>1
if y >= x:
return x
x = y
def nth_rootp(n,k):
return int(round(math.exp(math.log(n)/k),0))
def main():
for cs in range(int(input())):
write("Invalid order\n")
order = 0;m=0
power =int(math.log(n,2))
for i in range(1,power+1):
if i==1:m=n
if i==1:m=n
elif i==2:m=isqrt(n)
if m<2:
if(is_prime(m) and n==(m**i)):
write("%d %d\n"%(m,i))
order = 1
write("Invalid order\n")
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Views: 3796
Reputation: 25
from sympy.ntheory import factorint
q=int(input("Give me the number q="))
fact=factorint(q) #We factor the number q=p_1^{n_1}*p_2^{n_2}*...
p_1=list(fact.keys()) #We create a list from keys to be the the numbers p_1,p_2,...
n_1=list(fact.values()) #We create a list from values to be the the numbers n_1,n_2,...
if q!=p**n: #Check if the number q=p_{1}[0]**n_{1}[0]=p**n.
print("The number "+str(q)+" is not a prime power")
print("The number "+str(q)+" is a prime power")
print("The prime number p="+str(p))
print("The natural number n="+str(n))
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your code look like a little overcomplicated for this task, I will not bother to check it, but the thing you need are the following
, naturallyfor the first one I recommend the deterministic form of the Miller-Rabin test with a appropriate set of witness to guaranty a exact result until 1543267864443420616877677640751301 (1.543 x 1033) for even bigger numbers you can use the probabilistic one or use a bigger list of witness chosen at your criteria
with all that a template for the solution is as follow
import math
def is_prime(n):
def sieve(n):
"list of all primes p such that p<n"
def inthroot(x,n):
"calculate floor(x**(1/n))"
def is_a_power(n):
"return (a,b) if n=a**b otherwise throw ValueError"
for b in sieve( math.log2(n) +1 ):
a = inthroot(n,b)
if a**b == n:
return a,b
raise ValueError("is not a power")
def smooth_factorization(n):
"return (p,e) where p is prime and n = p**e if such value exists, otherwise throw ValueError"
while True:
p,n = is_a_power(p)
e = e*n
except ValueError:
if is_prime(p):
return p,e
raise ValueError
def main():
for test in range( int(input()) ):
p,e = smooth_factorization( int(input()) )
except ValueError:
print("Invalid order")
And the code above should be self explanatory
Filling the blacks
As you are familiar with Miller-Rabin test, I will only mention that if you are interested you can find a implementation of the determinist version here just update the list of witness and you are ready to go.
For the sieve
, just change the one you are using to return a list with primes number like this for instance [ p for p,is_p in enumerate(sieve) if is_p ]
With those out of the way, the only thing left is calculate the nth root of the number and to do that in a precise way we need to get rip of that pesky floating point arithmetic that only produce headaches, and the answer is implement the Nth root algorithm using only integer arithmetic, which is pretty similar to the one of isqrt
that you already use, I guide myself with the one made by Mark Dickinson for cube root and generalize it and I get this
def inthroot(A, n) :
"calculate floor( A**(1/n) )"
if A<0:
if n%2 == 0:
raise ValueError
return - inthroot(-A,n)
if A==0:
return 0
n1 = n-1
if A.bit_length() < 1024: # float(n) safe from overflow
xk = int( round( pow(A,1.0/n) ) )
xk = ( n1*xk + A//pow(xk,n1) )//n # Ensure xk >= floor(nthroot(A)).
xk = 1 << -(-A.bit_length()//n) # 1 << sum(divmod(A.bit_length(),n))
# power of 2 closer but greater than the nth root of A
while True:
sig = A // pow(xk,n1)
if xk <= sig:
return xk
xk = ( n1*xk + sig )//n
and with all the above you can solve the problem without inconvenient
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I'm not going to read all that code, though I suspect the problem is floating-point inaccuracy. Here is my program to determine if a number n is a prime power; it returns the prime p and the power k:
# prime power predicate
from random import randint
from fractions import gcd
def findWitness(n, k=5): # miller-rabin
s, d = 0, n-1
while d % 2 == 0:
s, d = s+1, d/2
for i in range(k):
a = randint(2, n-1)
x = pow(a, d, n)
if x == 1 or x == n-1: continue
for r in range(1, s):
x = (x * x) % n
if x == 1: return a
if x == n-1: break
else: return a
return 0
# returns p,k such that n=p**k, or 0,0
# assumes n is an integer greater than 1
def primePower(n):
def checkP(n, p):
k = 0
while n > 1 and n % p == 0:
n, k = n / p, k + 1
if n == 1: return p, k
else: return 0, 0
if n % 2 == 0: return checkP(n, 2)
q = n
while True:
a = findWitness(q)
if a == 0: return checkP(n, q)
d = gcd(pow(a,q,n)-a, q)
if d == 1 or d == q: return 0, 0
q = d
The program uses Fermat's Little Theorem and exploits the witness a to the compositeness of n that is found by the Miller-Rabin algorithm. It is given as Algorithm 1.7.5 in Henri Cohen's book A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory. You can see the program in action at
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Reputation: 1858
this is not really an answer, but I don't have enough space to write it as a comment.
So, if the problem still not solved, you may try the following function for nth_rootp, though it is a bit ugly (it is just a binary search to find the precise value of the function):
def nth_rootp(n,k):
r = int(round(math.log(n,2)/k))
left = 2**(r-1)
right = 2**(r+1)
if left**k == n:
return left
if right**k == n:
return right
while left**k < n and right**k > n:
tmp = (left + right)/2
if tmp**k == n:
return tmp
if tmp == left or tmp == right:
return tmp
if tmp**k < n:
left = tmp
if tmp**k > n:
right = tmp
Upvotes: 1