Is it possible to access the graphs produced by WekaForecaster API as visible in Weka Explorer. I see that the API per se does not have any function access. Thanks!
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Views: 303
I figured out the answer.
For example-
// Your instances
Instances train;
// Your WekaForecaster
WekaForecaster forecaster;
// Custom hold out set size
int holdOutSetSize = 1;
// Init evaluator
TSEvaluation eval = new TSEvaluation(train, holdOutSetSize);
boolean buildModel = false;
// Evaluate the forecaster
eval.evaluateForecaster(forecaster, buildModel, System.out);
// Get graph in JPanel after evaluation on training with custom hold out set size
JPanel trainGraph = eval.graphFutureForecastOnTraining(GraphDriver.getDefaultDriver(),
forecaster, AbstractForecaster.
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