
Reputation: 312

appending to a list in jquery

In my appinventor app, I use a webviewer to view an html page, which contains a listview. Now, I have exactly ten list items and I wrote them in the html code. If I have 12 items in my list which is urlArray.length=12 in the code, is there a way I could append items to the list like the following?

<a href="#gummies" onclick="datasent(10);"><img src="write.png" id="listimg9" alt="Gummy Bears" /><span id="testscore9" class="ui-li-count">12</span>
<h1 id="testname9"> Test Name 9 </h1>
<p id="testexp9">Test Explanation 9</p>

as you can see in the code, for the 11th item in the list datasent(10) should be datasent(11), id="listimg9" should be id="listimg10", id="testscore9" should be id="testscore10", id="testname9" should be id="testname10" and id="testexp9" should be id="testexp10"

If there is a better solution, like generating the list depending on how long the urlArray is, it would be a better solution but currently, I don't have any idea how to place those id tags inside li items other than typing.

var datasent = function (listindex) {
var wvdata = window.AppInventor.getWebViewString().split('\n');
var urlArray = [];
for (var i in wvdata){

for (var s=0; s<urlArray.length; s++) {
    var tn = "testname";
	var ts = "testscore";
	var te = "testexp";
	var im = "listimg";
		var testnamer = tn.concat(s);
		document.getElementById(testnamer).innerHTML = urlArray[s][2];
		var testscorer = ts.concat(s);
		document.getElementById(testscorer).innerHTML = urlArray[s][3];
		var testexper = te.concat(s);
			if (urlArray[s][1]==="mc"){
			document.getElementById(testexper).innerHTML = "Choose the correct answer!";
			else {
			var imer = im.concat(s);
			document.getElementById(testexper).innerHTML = "Fill in the blanks!";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="utf-8" />
	<title>List App</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" />
<div id="photos" class="wrapper">
	<header data-role="header" data-theme="b">
		<h1> Tests </h1>

   <article data-role="content" style="background: #000000 url('bg2.jpg') repeat;">
<a href="#" onclick="datasent(1);"><img src="mcicon.png" id="listimg0" alt="Gummy Bears" /><span id="testscore0" class="ui-li-count">12</span>
<h2 id="testname0"> Test Name 0</h2>
<p id="testexp0">Test Explanation 0</p>

<a href="#dog" onclick="datasent(2);"><img src="mcicon.png" id="listimg1" alt "Min Pin" /><span id="testscore1" class="ui-li-count">12</span>
<h1 id="testname1">Test Name 1</h1>
<p id="testexp1">Test Explanation 1</p>
<a href="#gummies" onclick="datasent(3);"><img src="mcicon.png" id="listimg2" alt="Gummy Bears" /><span id="testscore2" class="ui-li-count">12</span>
<h1 id="testname2"> Test Name 2 </h1>
<p id="testexp2">Test Explanation 2</p>
<a href="#gummies" onclick="datasent(4);"><img src="mcicon.png" id="listimg3" alt="Gummy Bears" /><span id="testscore3" class="ui-li-count">12</span>
<h1 id="testname3"> Test Name 3 </h1>
<p id="testexp3">Test Explanation 3</p>
<a href="#gummies" onclick="datasent(5);"><img src="mcicon.png" id="listimg4" alt="Gummy Bears" /><span id="testscore4" class="ui-li-count">12</span>
<h1 id="testname4"> Test Name 4 </h1>
<p id="testexp4">Test Explanation 4</p>
<a href="#gummies" onclick="datasent(6);"><img src="mcicon.png" id="listimg5" alt="Gummy Bears" /><span id="testscore5" class="ui-li-count">12</span>
<h1 id="testname5"> Test Name 5 </h1>
<p id="testexp5">Test Explanation 5</p>
<a href="#gummies" onclick="datasent(7);"><img src="mcicon.png" id="listimg6" alt="Gummy Bears" /><span id="testscore6" class="ui-li-count">12</span>
<h1 id="testname6"> Test Name 6 </h1>
<p id="testexp6">Test Explanation 6</p>
<a href="#gummies" onclick="datasent(8);"><img src="mcicon.png" id="listimg7" alt="Gummy Bears" /><span id="testscore7" class="ui-li-count">12</span>
<h1 id="testname7"> Test Name 7 </h1>
<p id="testexp7">Test Explanation 7</p>
<a href="#gummies" onclick="datasent(9);"><img src="mcicon.png" id="listimg8" alt="Gummy Bears" /><span id="testscore8" class="ui-li-count">12</span>
<h1 id="testname8"> Test Name 8 </h1>
<p id="testexp8">Test Explanation8</p>
<a href="#gummies" onclick="datasent(10);"><img src="write.png" id="listimg9" alt="Gummy Bears" /><span id="testscore9" class="ui-li-count">12</span>
<h1 id="testname9"> Test Name 9 </h1>
<p id="testexp9">Test Explanation 9</p>


Upvotes: 0

Views: 153

Answers (1)

Wesley Smith
Wesley Smith

Reputation: 19571

The below starts with a list that has 10 items in it.

It loops through an array holding 12 items adding those items to the list.

I have taken out all of your elements' incremental ids and used classes instead.

I have modified your datasent() function to show you how you can access the elements using their classes and the index of the clicked list item

// I dont know what is in the array you mention or how it is formed 
// so ill just make one up to use here
var arr = ["worms", "Gummy Worms", "15", "Test Name", "Test Explanation" ];
var listItemsArr = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 12; i++){
// `listItemsArr` is now a multidemensioanl array holding 12 of the above arrays
// Ill use this to simulate the array of 12 items you say you have

// loop through your array of 12 objects
$(listItemsArr).each(function(index, elem){
   // here ill get all the values from this object in the array 
   // yours will depend on your array
   var href = elem[0];
   var altTxt = elem[1];
   var count = elem[2];
   var testName = elem[3];
   var expln = elem[4];
   // create the list item we're going to add
   // again this will depend on what is in your actual array
   var li = '<li>'+
            '<a href="#'+href+'" ><img src="" class="listimg" alt="'+altTxt+'"/><span class="testscore ui-li-count" >'+count+'</span>'+
            '<h1 class="testname">'+testName+'</h1>'+
            '<p class="testexp">'+expln+'</p>'+

var datasent = function (listindex) {
  // im not sure what your function here does	
  // im going to use this function to show you that you can get data 
  // from your elements without all the sequential ids by using classes 
  // this line gets an array of all the elements with the `testscore` class
  // grabs the element in that array at the index passed in as `listindex`
  // then gets the html from that element
  var testscore = $('.testscore:eq('+listindex+')').html();
  var testname = $('.testname:eq('+listindex+')').html();
  var testexp = $('.testexp:eq('+listindex+')').html();
  var listimgalt = $('.listimg:eq('+listindex+')').attr('alt');
  var listimghref = $('#myList a:eq('+listindex+')').attr('href');
  var ourInfo ='You clicked list item at index:  ' + listindex+'\n'+
               'This item\'s image alt text is:  ' + listimgalt+'\n'+
               'This item\'s link href is:  ' + listimghref+'\n'+
               'This item\'s testscore is:  ' + testscore+'\n'+
               'This item\'s testname is:  ' + testname+'\n'+
               'This item\'s testexp is:  ' + testexp+'\n';


// attach a click handeler to all `li`s in `#myList`
$(document).on('click', '#myList li', function(){ 
    // get the index of the clicked link 
    var cur = $('#myList li').index(this);
    // call `datasent()` passing in our index
	datasent( cur );


    list-style-type: none;

  text-decoration:none !important;

#myList li{
<script src=""></script>
<ul id="myList">  
<a href="#gummies" ><img src=""  class="listimg" alt="Gummy Bears"/><span class="testscore ui-li-count" >2</span>
<h1 class="testname"> Test Name  </h1>
<p class="testexp">Test Explanation </p>
<a href="#gummies" ><img src=""  class="listimg" alt="Gummy Bears"/><span class="testscore ui-li-count" >2</span>
<h1 class="testname"> Test Name  </h1>
<p class="testexp">Test Explanation </p>
<a href="#gummies" ><img src=""  class="listimg" alt="Gummy Bears"/><span class="testscore ui-li-count" >2</span>
<h1 class="testname"> Test Name  </h1>
<p class="testexp">Test Explanation </p>
<a href="#gummies" ><img src=""  class="listimg" alt="Gummy Bears"/><span class="testscore ui-li-count" >2</span>
<h1 class="testname"> Test Name  </h1>
<p class="testexp">Test Explanation </p>
<a href="#gummies" ><img src=""  class="listimg" alt="Gummy Bears"/><span class="testscore ui-li-count" >2</span>
<h1 class="testname"> Test Name  </h1>
<p class="testexp">Test Explanation </p>
<a href="#gummies" ><img src=""  class="listimg" alt="Gummy Bears"/><span class="testscore ui-li-count" >2</span>
<h1 class="testname"> Test Name  </h1>
<p class="testexp">Test Explanation </p>
<a href="#gummies" ><img src=""  class="listimg" alt="Gummy Bears"/><span class="testscore ui-li-count" >2</span>
<h1 class="testname"> Test Name  </h1>
<p class="testexp">Test Explanation </p>
<a href="#gummies" ><img src=""  class="listimg" alt="Gummy Bears"/><span class="testscore ui-li-count" >2</span>
<h1 class="testname"> Test Name  </h1>
<p class="testexp">Test Explanation </p>
<a href="#gummies" ><img src=""  class="listimg" alt="Gummy Bears"/><span class="testscore ui-li-count" >2</span>
<h1 class="testname"> Test Name  </h1>
<p class="testexp">Test Explanation </p>
<a href="#gummies" ><img src=""  class="listimg" alt="Gummy Bears"/><span class="testscore ui-li-count" >2</span>
<h1 class="testname"> Test Name  </h1>
<p class="testexp">Test Explanation </p>
<a href="#gummies" ><img src=""  class="listimg" alt="Gummy Bears"/><span class="testscore ui-li-count" >2</span>
<h1 class="testname"> Test Name  </h1>
<p class="testexp">Test Explanation </p>

Upvotes: 1

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