Reputation: 2674
Haskell newb here
I'm working on this problem in haskell:
(**) Eliminate consecutive duplicates of list elements.
If a list contains repeated elements they should be replaced with a single copy of the element. The order of the elements should not be changed.
* (compress '(a a a a b c c a a d e e e e))
(A B C A D E)
The solution (which I had to look up) uses foldr:
compress' :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
compress' xs = foldr (\x acc -> if x == (head acc) then acc else x:acc) [last xs] xs
This foldr, according to the solution, takes two parameters, x and acc. It would seem like all foldr's take these parameters; is there any exception to this? Like a foldr that takes 3 or more? If not, is this convention redundant and can the formula be written with less code?
Upvotes: 10
Views: 5818
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It turns out that you can solve your compress
problem using a foldr
with a three-argument function.
compress :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
compress [] = []
compress (z:zs) = z : foldr f (const []) zs z
where f x k w | x==w = k x
| otherwise = x : k x
Let's dissect that. First, we can improve readability by changing the last two lines to
where f x k = \w -> if x==w then k x else x : k x
This makes it evident that a ternary function is nothing but a binary function returning a unary function. The advantage of looking at it in this way is that foldr
is best understood when passed a binary function. Indeed, we are passing a binary function, which just happens to return a function.
Let's focus on types now:
f :: a -> (a -> [a]) -> (a -> [a])
f x k
So, x::a
is the element of the list we are folding on. Function k
is the result of the fold on the list tail. The result of f x k
is something having the same type as k
\w -> if .... :: (a -> [a])
The overall idea behind this anonymous function is as follows. The parameter k
plays the same role as acc
in the OP code, except it is a function expecting the previous element w
in the list before producing the accumulated compressed list.
Concretely, we use now k x
when we used acc
, passing on the current element to the next step, since by that time x
will become the previous element w
. At the top-level, we pass z
to the function which is returned by foldr f (const [])
This compress
variant is lazy, unlike the posted solution. In fact, the posted solution needs to scan the whole list before starting producing something: this is due to (\x acc -> ...)
being strict in acc
, and to the use of last xs
. Instead, the above compress outputs list elements in a "streaming" fashion. Indeed, it works with infinite lists as well:
> take 10 $ compress [1..]
That being said, I think using a foldr
here feels a bit weird: the code above is arguably less readable than the explicit recursion.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 54068
takes a function of 2 arguments, but this doesn't prevent it from taking a function of 3 arguments provided that function has the right type signature.
If we had a function
g :: x -> y -> z -> w
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
Where we want to pass g
to foldr
, then (a -> b -> b) ~ (x -> y -> z -> w)
(where ~
is type equality). Since ->
is right associative, this means we can write g
's signature as
x -> y -> (z -> w)
and its meaning is the same. Now we've produced a function of two parameters that returns a function of one parameter. In order to unify this with the type a -> b -> b
, we just need to line up the arguments:
a -> | x ->
b -> | y ->
b | (z -> w)
This means that b ~ z -> w
, so y ~ b ~ z -> w
and a ~ x
so g
's type really has to be
g :: x -> (z -> w) -> (z -> w)
foldr g :: (z -> w) -> [x] -> (z -> w)
This is certainly not impossible, although more unlikely. Our accumulator is a function instead, and to me this begs to be demonstrated with DiffLists:
type DiffList a = [a] -> [a]
append :: a -> DiffList a -> DiffList a
append x dl = \xs -> dl xs ++ [x]
reverse' :: [a] -> [a]
reverse' xs = foldr append (const []) xs $ []
Note that foldr append (const []) xs
returns a function which we apply to []
to reverse a list. In this case we've given an alias to functions of the type [a] -> [a]
called DiffList
, but it's really no different than having written
append :: a -> ([a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> [a]
which is a function of 3 arguments.
Upvotes: 19
Reputation: 7194
As with all things in haskell have a look at the types of things to guide your way you can do this for any function in ghci
Looking at this for foldr we see:
Prelude> :t foldr
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
This slightly abstract string can be written in english as:
is a function that takes
1 ) a function with two parameters one of type a
and one of type b
and returns something of type b
2 ) A value of type b
3 ) A list of values of type a
And returns a value of type b
Where a
and b
are type variables (see here for a good tutorial on them) which can be filled in with any type you like.
Upvotes: 5