Reputation: 3465
I have a templating directive that is almost working the way I want, simple version works :-
<div bw-template-replace>
<template>This is template text, replace [[#this]] please</template>
<this>text replaced</this>
expands to
<div bw-template-replace><span>This is template text, replace text replaced please</span></div>
However, if I embed other directives they dont fully work as expected.
See my plunk
At the end of the directive's link function I $compile the resulting text/node which works for {{scope interpolated text}} but does not work for embedded directives using the same scope.
The reason I need this is because I am using ng-translate for an existing ng-app and I want to use the existing English text as keys for translation lookups. An uncommon translation case is where we have HTML like the following (extract from the app), the [[#ageInput]] and [[#agePeriod]] 'arguments' may appear at different places in other languages, as I understand it ng-translate has no real support for this scenario currently.
<div class="row-fluid">
<div class="span12" translate bw-template-replace>
If current version of media has not been read for [[#ageInput]] [[#agePeriod]]
<ageInput><input type=number ng-model="policy.age" style="width:50px"/></ageInput>
<agePeriod><select style="width:100px" ng-model="policy.period" ng-options="p for p in periods" /></agePeriod>
Any help much appreciated.
I love having to work through these scenarios when you are a newbie at something as it really forces you to understand what is happening. I now have it working, basically my previous directive I found several ways of just replacing the html in the hope Angular would magically sort everything out. Now I have a better understanding of transclusion and in particular the transclusion function I made it work as desired. The cloned element passed into $transcludeFn already has scope attached and has been $compiled, so my function now parses the template text and generates individual textElement's and moves the argument elements around to suit the template.
My Current Solution
.directive('TemplateReplace', ['$compile', '$document', '$timeout',
function ($compile, $document, $timeout) {
return {
restrict: 'AC',
transclude: true,
link: function (scope, iElement, iAttrs, controller, transclude) {
transclude(scope, function (clone, $scope) {
$timeout(function () {
// Our template is the first real child element (nodeType 1)
var template = null;
for (var i = 0, ii = clone.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (clone[i].nodeType == 1) {
template = angular.element(clone[i]);
// Remember the template's text, then transclude it and empty its contents
var html = angular.copy(template.text());
iElement.append(template); // Transcluding keeps external directives intact
template.empty(); // We can populate its inards from scratch
// Split the html into pieces seperated by [[#tagname]] parts
if (html) {
var htmlLen = html.length;
var textStart = 0;
while (textStart < htmlLen) {
var tagName = null,
tagEnd = htmlLen,
textEnd = htmlLen;
var tagStart = html.indexOf("[[#", textStart);
if (tagStart >= 0) {
tagEnd = html.indexOf("]]", tagStart);
if (tagEnd >= 0) {
tagName = html.substr(tagStart + 3, tagEnd - tagStart - 3);
tagEnd += 2;
textEnd = tagStart;
// Text parts have to be created, $compiled and appended
var text = html.substr(textStart, textEnd - textStart);
if (text.length) {
var textNode = $document[0].createTextNode(text);
// Tag parts are located in the clone then transclude appended to keep external directives intact (note each tagNode can only be referenced once)
if (tagName && tagName.length) {
var tagNode = clone.filter(tagName);
if (tagNode.length) {
textStart = tagEnd;
}, 0);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1468
Reputation: 2448
If I have understood your question properly, I guess the issue is your directive is getting executed before ng-repeat prepares dom.So you need to do DOM manipulation in $timeout
Check this plunker for working example.
Here is a nice explanation of similar problem:
Upvotes: 1