I am trying to insert a pipe symbol in between nth line of a file. Like the one present in the output of diff command.
Do not want to use VI editor.
For example,desired line is 2nd line of the file:
cat filename
Hi Hi
Hello Hello
This This
is Is
it it
desired output:
cat filename
Hi Hi
Hello | Hello
This This
is Is
it it
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Views: 1708
Reputation: 204731
For your own sanity, just use awk:
$ awk 'NR==2{mid=length($0)/2; $0=substr($0,1,mid) "|" substr($0,mid+1)} 1' file
Hi Hi
Hello | Hello
This This
is Is
it it
To modify the original file you can add > tmp && mv tmp file
or use -i inplace
if you have GNU awk.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 10039
sed '
# select 2nd line
/2/ {
# keep original in memory
# cycle by taking the 2 char at the egde of string (still string end by the \n here) and copy only first to other part of the separator (\n)
# still possible, do it again
t divide
# add last single char if any and remove separator
# add original string (with a new line between)
# take first half string and end of second string, and place a pipe in the middle in place of other char
}' YourFile
for GNU sedUpvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
You basically cannot modify in place some textual file by inserting a character inside a line. You need to read all its content, modify that content in memory, then write the new content.
You might be interested in GNU ed, which can edit a file programmatically (inside some script).
You could use awk
(or any other filter) and redirect its output to some temporary file, then rename that temporary file as the original one.
Upvotes: 1