Reputation: 1
I created a very simple Grails Project (IntelliJ IDEA 14.0.2) named CheckInheritance Two domain classes:
package checkinheritance
class Parent {
String name
static constraints = {
package checkinheritance
class Child extends Parent{
String prename
static constraints = {
I generated the controller class and the views for the Child class When I start the application everythin works fine.
Then I add the property "dscription" to the Parent class:
package checkinheritance
class Parent {
String name
String description
static constraints = {
I deleted the views and the controller for the Child class. Then I regenerate the files (view, controller) for the Child class. When I start the application, I want to add a Child object. After entering the Data (in ALL input fields) and press "Anlegen" (Save) I get an error that the property "description" must not be null (see Screenshot with german messages). This also happens when the base class is abstract. The Database is empty and new (Dev mode).
This is my generatet _form.gsp for the property "description":
<div class="fieldcontain ${hasErrors(bean: childInstance, field: 'description', 'error')} required">
<label for="description">
<g:message code="child.description.label" default="Description" />
<span class="required-indicator">*</span>
<g:textField name="description" required="" value="${childInstance?.description}"/>
Do I have to add something for the new property "description" in the base class?
This is my environment:
APPLICATION STATUS App version: 0.1 Grails version: 2.4.4 Groovy version: 2.3.7 JVM version: 1.8.0_25 Reloading active: true Controllers: 3 Domains: 2 Services: 3 Tag Libraries: 15 INSTALLED PLUGINS restResponder - 2.4.4 logging - 2.4.4 i18n - 2.4.4 dataBinding - 2.4.4 core - 2.4.4 servlets - 2.4.4 codecs - 2.4.4 webxml - 1.4.1 databaseMigration - 1.4.0 jquery - 1.11.1 dataSource - 2.4.4 urlMappings - 2.4.4 controllers - 2.4.4 assetPipeline - 1.9.9 filters - 2.4.4 domainClass - 2.4.4 controllersAsync - 2.4.4 mimeTypes - 2.4.4 hibernate4 - converters - 2.4.4 groovyPages - 2.4.4 services - 2.4.4 validation - 2.4.4 scaffolding - 2.1.2 cache - 1.1.8
Upvotes: 0
Views: 99
Reputation: 1062
By default description in mandatory. cause it is nullable = false;
you can try
String name
String description
static constraints = {
description nullable: true
Upvotes: 1