Reputation: 6073
I am trying to configure web socket support in Spring 4 using RabbitMQ as the external broker, but as soon as I switch to RabbitMQ, I get the following error on start-up in the client:
'/user/queue/changes' is not a valid destination.
Valid destination types are: /temp-queue, /exchange, /topic, /queue, /amq/queue, /reply-queue/.
On the server I am using convertAndSendToUser
and this works fine with the simple broker, but as soon as I switch to RabbitMQ, I get this error. Note that RabbitMQ works fine for normal topic broadcasts - it's just the /user
channel that falls over.
Do I need to do something special to get /user
to work with RabbitMQ?
Edit to include Web Socket Config
My WebSocketConfig
is pretty standard with a few customisations to integrate it with spring-session:
public class WebSocketConfig extends AbstractSessionWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer<ExpiringSession> {
public void configureStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
//config.enableSimpleBroker("/queue", "/topic");
StompBrokerRelayRegistration r = config.enableStompBrokerRelay("/user", "/topic");
try {
String rabbitUrl = System.getenv("CLOUDAMQP_URL");
if(rabbitUrl != null) {"RABBIT URL detected: " + rabbitUrl);
URI uri = new URI(rabbitUrl);
String host = uri.getHost();
String login = uri.getUserInfo().split(":",2)[0];
String passCode = uri.getUserInfo().split(":",2)[1];
String vhost = uri.getPath().substring(1);
} catch(Exception e) {
log.error("Error setting up RabbitMQ", e);
Upvotes: 8
Views: 5334
Reputation: 79
Remove the "/user"
from config.enableStompBrokerRelay("/user", "/topic");
and add the "/queue"
, spring automatically adds the /user
when you send-to-a-specific user
And just sendTo(username, "/queue/(what_you_want)", msg)
and subscibe to "/queue/(what_you_want)"
The bold statement came directly from RabbitMq website I tried to find the link but I got lazy
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 86
It is quite an old question, but I just met the same error so my solution might works for others. It's basicly what @Memo 313 MediaSA said(and why his answer is downvoted). The two key points I have found are:
After doing those, everything should work as what doc for setUserDestinationPrefix methord says:
For example when a user attempts to subscribe to "/user/queue/position-updates", the destination may be translated to "/queue/position-updatesi9oqdfzo" yielding a unique queue name that does not collide with any other user attempting to do the same. Subsequently when messages are sent to "/user/{username}/queue/position-updates", the destination is translated to "/queue/position-updatesi9oqdfzo".
Also, be sure that the {username} your application is using is the same with principal.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 8172
I met the similar error, but I didn't find an intuitive solution after searching Internet.
I would like to share my findings after going throught the doc of RabbitMQ STOMP.
According to the doc of RabbitMQ STOMP, only destination starting with /exchange
, /queue
, /amq/queue
, /topic
and temp-queue
are allowed. The destination /user/*
would NOT be allowed. You can choose the destination per the requirements of your message.
/exchange -- SEND to arbitrary routing keys and SUBSCRIBE to arbitrary binding patterns;
/queue -- SEND and SUBSCRIBE to queues managed by the STOMP gateway;
/amq/queue -- SEND and SUBSCRIBE to queues created outside the STOMP gateway;
/topic -- SEND and SUBSCRIBE to transient and durable topics;
/temp-queue/ -- create temporary queues (in reply-to headers only).
For example, I would like to send a message to a topic to notify all subscribers.
For simple topic destinations which deliver a copy of each message to all active subscribers, destinations of the form /topic/< name > can be used. Topic destinations support all the routing patterns of AMQP topic exchanges.
Messages sent to a topic destination that has no active subscribers are simply discarded.
AMQP 0-9-1 Semantics
For SEND frames, the message is sent to the amq.topic exchange with the routing key < name >.
For SUBSCRIBE frames, an autodeleted, non-durable queue is created and bound to the amq.topic exchange with routing key < name >. A subscription is created against the queue.
The spec means that the stomp sub message with destination /topic/<name>
will use the default exchange amp.topic of rabbitmq, then a binding might be created with the variable name if it does not exist and a queue also be created to bind the exchange amp.topic by that binding.
If you want to create a durable subscription, the client should send subscribe message with below headers.
In my app the websocket server receives message /watch/{liveid}
, then reply another message to topic /topic/watchinfo-{liveid}
public LiveWatchInfoMessage liveinfo(@DestinationVariable("liveid") String liveid,
@AuthenticationPrincipal UserDetails activeUser) {
return LiveWatchInfoMessage.builder().build();
Upvotes: 2