Reputation: 764
I am using the amqplib node module and following the hello world send/receive tutorial.
My receivers/workers take that message and perform a CPU intensive task in the background, so I can only process about 5 messages at once.
What is the best way to control the number of messages that are being accepted by the receiver.
Code sample:
var amqp = require('amqplib');
amqp.connect('amqp://localhost').then(function(conn) {
process.once('SIGINT', function() { conn.close(); });
return conn.createChannel().then(function(ch) {
var ok = ch.assertQueue('hello', {durable: false});
ok = ok.then(function(_qok) {
return ch.consume('hello', function(msg) {
console.log(" [x] Received '%s'", msg.content.toString());
}, {noAck: true});
return ok.then(function(_consumeOk) {
console.log(' [*] Waiting for messages. To exit press CTRL+C');
}).then(null, console.warn);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1003
Reputation: 12459
You need to set the Quality Of Service on the model. Here is how you would do that in C#
var _model = rabbitConnection.CreateModel();
// Configure the Quality of service for the model. Below is how what each setting means.
// BasicQos(0="Dont send me a new message untill I’ve finshed", _fetchSize = "Send me N messages at a time", false ="Apply to this Model only")
_model.BasicQos(0, _fetchSize, false);
The QOS works with the Ack process. So until you Ack a message, it will only send you N (_fetchSize) at a time. I think you'll have to set noAck: false in your code to get this working.
Good luck!
Upvotes: 1