Reputation: 23938
I want to find Lethal Dose (LD50
) with its confidence interval in R
. Other softwares line Minitab, SPSS, SAS provide three different versions of such confidence intervals. I could not find such intervals in any package in R
(I also used findFn
function from sos
How can I find such intervals? I coded for one type of intervals based on Delta method (as not sure about it correctness) but would like to use any established function from R
package. Thanks
dose <- c(10.2, 7.7, 5.1, 3.8, 2.6, 0)
total <- c(50, 49, 46, 48, 50, 49)
affected <- c(44, 42, 24, 16, 6, 0)
finney71 <- data.frame(dose, total, affected)
fm1 <- glm(cbind(affected, total-affected) ~ log(dose),
family=binomial(link = logit), data=finney71[finney71$dose != 0, ])
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -4.886912 0.6429272 -7.601035 2.937717e-14
log(dose) 3.103545 0.3877178 8.004650 1.198070e-15
xp <- dose.p(fm1, p=c(0.50, 0.90, 0.95)) # from MASS <- xp + attr(xp, "SE") %*% matrix(qnorm(1 - 0.05/2)*c(-1,1), nrow=1)
zp.est <- exp(cbind(xp, attr(xp, "SE"),[,1],[,2]))
dimnames(zp.est)[[2]] <- c("LD", "SE", "LCL","UCL")
p = 0.50: 4.828918 1.053044 4.363708 5.343724
p = 0.90: 9.802082 1.104050 8.073495 11.900771
p = 0.95: 12.470382 1.133880 9.748334 15.952512
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Views: 4587
Reputation: 2744
From the package drc, you can get the ED50 (same calculation), along with confidence intervals.
library(drc) # Directly borrowed from the drc manual
mod <- drm(affected/total ~ dose, weights = total,
data = finney71[finney71$dose != 0, ], fct = LL2.2(), type = "binomial")
#intervals on log scale
ED(mod, c(50, 90, 95), interval = "fls", reference = "control")
Estimated effective doses
(Back-transformed from log scale-based confidence interval(s))
Estimate Lower Upper
1:50 4.8289 4.3637 5.3437
1:90 9.8021 8.0735 11.9008
1:95 12.4704 9.7483 15.9525
Which matches the manual output.
The "finney71" data is included in this package, and your calculation of confidence intervals exactly matches the example given by the drc
folks, down to the "# from MASS" comment. You should give credit to them, rather than claiming you wrote the code.
There's a few other ways to figure this out. One is using parametric bootstrap, which is conveniently available through the boot
First, we'll refit the model.
finney71 <- finney71[finney71$dose != 0,] # pre-clean data
fm1 <- glm(cbind(affected, total-affected) ~ log(dose),
family=binomial(link = logit),
And for illustration, we can figure out the LD50 and LD75.
statfun <- function(dat, ind) {
mod <- update(fm1, data = dat[ind,])
coefs <- coef(mod)
exp((log(0.75/0.25) - coefs[2])/coefs[1]))
boot_out <- boot(data = finney71, statistic = statfun, R = 1000)
function can work out a variety of confidence intervals for us, using this object., index = 1, type = c('basic', 'perc', 'norm'))
##Based on 999 bootstrap replicates
##CALL : = boot_out, type = c("basic", "perc", "norm"),
## index = 1)
##Intervals :
##Level Normal Basic Percentile
##95% ( 3.976, 5.764 ) ( 4.593, 5.051 ) ( 4.607, 5.065 )
The confidence intervals using the normal approximation are thrown off quite a bit by a few extreme values, which the basic and percentile-based intervals are more robust to.
One interesting thing to note: if the sign of the slope is sufficiently unclear, we can get some rather extreme values (simulated as in this answer, and discussed more thoroughly in this blog post by Andrew Gelman).
x <- rnorm(100)
z = 0.05 + 0.1*x*rnorm(100, 0, 0.05) # small slope and more noise
pr = 1/(1+exp(-z))
y = rbinom(1000, 1, pr)
sim_dat <- data.frame(x, y)
sim_mod <- glm(y ~ x, data = sim_dat, family = 'binomial')
statfun <- function(dat, ind) {
mod <- update(sim_mod, data = dat[ind,])
sim_boot <- boot(data = sim_dat, statistic = statfun, R = 1000)
hist(sim_boot$t[,1], breaks = 100,
main = "Bootstrap of simulated model")
The delta method above gives us mean = 6.448, lower ci = -36.22, and upper ci = 49.12, and all of the bootstrap CIs give us similarly extreme estimates.
##Level Normal Basic Percentile
##95% (-232.19, 247.76 ) ( -20.17, 45.13 ) ( -32.23, 33.06 )
Upvotes: 8