Reputation: 9
Here is my code:
procedure String_To_Int(str: String) is
str_length : Integer := str'Size / 8;
ASCII_Values_Array: array (Integer range 1 .. str_length) of Integer;
Text_Io.Put_Line(str & " has a length of " & natural'image(str_length));
for x in 1 .. str_length loop
ASCII_Values_Array(x) := Character'Pos(str(x));
end loop;
end String_To_Int;
and I am trying to call it with:
String_To_Int(str => "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
but the compiler is telling me:
Saw '(', expected: , :
And I have no clue what is wrong about how I am calling my procedure. I have looked at many other examples of procedure calls and this looks exactly the same. Any help is appreciated!
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Views: 98
There's something you aren't telling us.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz has a length of 26
Now you don't say what you're actually doing, but here's what I did.
I called String_To_Int from another procedure, in a file test_sti.adb.
with String_To_Int;
procedure test_sti is
String_To_Int(str => "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
Note that String_To_Int is a separate procedure, in its own file, so the with
clause tells the compiler to look for it. I could have declared it locally, i.e. between "is" and "begin" and saved both the files below, but separation is probably better design.
Now anything "with"ed will have both a specification and a body - in this case, specification :
procedure String_To_Int(str: String);
and body string_to_int.adb :
with Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada;
procedure String_To_Int(str: String) is
str_length : Integer := str'Size / 8;
ASCII_Values_Array: array (Integer range 1 .. str_length) of Integer;
Text_Io.Put_Line(str & " has a length of " & natural'image(str_length));
for x in 1 .. str_length loop
ASCII_Values_Array(x) := Character'Pos(str(x));
end loop;
end String_To_Int;
and to build the lot, simply
gnatmake test_sti.adb
and the compiler works out its own dependencies, no Makefile necessary.
It's actually a bit odd (but perfectly legal) to have a separate "compilation unit" like this for just one procedure. More normally it would either be declared locally, or it would be a part of a package - either a collection of utilities like Ada.Text_IO, or something like a class if you are familiar with Java or C++.
Incidentally, String_To_Int is a very odd procedure : instead of declaring its variables as
str_length : Integer := str'Size / 8;
ASCII_Values_Array: array (Integer range 1 .. str_length) of Integer;
it's cleaner to use the attributes more consistently:
str_length : constant natural := str'Length;
ASCII_Values_Array: array (str'range) of Integer;
and express the loop condition as
for x in str'range loop
Upvotes: 3