Reputation: 943
The typical Pause monad implementation that I see looks like this (based on Chapter 5 from Friendly F# by Giulia Costantini and Giuseppe Maggiore).
open System
type Process<'a> = unit -> 'a Step
and Step<'a> =
| Continue of 'a
| Paused of 'a Process
type PauseMonad () =
member this.Return x = fun () -> Continue x
member this.ReturnFrom x = x
member this.Bind (result, rest) =
fun () ->
match result () with
| Continue x -> rest x ()
| Paused p -> Paused (this.Bind (p, rest))
let yield_ () =
fun () ->
Paused (fun () ->
Continue ())
let get_process_step process_ step = do printfn "Process %d, step %d." process_ step
let get_last_process_step process_ = do printfn "Process %d finished." process_
let rec get_process process_ step_count =
PauseMonad () {
do! yield_ ()
if step_count = 0 then
do get_last_process_step process_
return ()
do get_process_step process_ step_count
return! get_process process_ <| step_count - 1
let rec race p1 p2 =
match p1 (), p2 () with
| Continue _, _ -> do printfn "Process 1 finished first."
| _, Continue _ -> do printfn "Process 2 finished first."
| Paused p1_, Paused p2_ -> race (p1_) (p2_)
let main _ =
let process_1 = get_process 1 5
let process_2 = get_process 2 7
do race process_1 process_2
Here is a similar implementation in Haskell.
However, it seems simpler to get rid of the mutually recursive types Process and Step, and just use a single recursive type, Process, as follows.
open System
type Process<'a> =
| Continue of 'a
| Paused of (unit -> 'a Process)
type PauseMonad () =
member this.Return x = Continue x
member this.ReturnFrom x = x
member this.Bind (result, rest) =
match result with
| Continue x -> Paused (fun () -> rest x)
| Paused p -> Paused (fun () -> this.Bind (p (), rest))
let yield_ () =
Paused (fun () ->
Continue ())
let get_process_step process_ step = do printfn "Process %d, step %d." process_ step
let get_last_process_step process_ = do printfn "Process %d finished." process_
let rec get_process process_ step_count =
PauseMonad () {
do! yield_ ()
if step_count = 0 then
do get_last_process_step process_
return ()
do get_process_step process_ step_count
return! get_process process_ <| step_count - 1
let rec race p1 p2 =
match p1, p2 with
| Continue _, _ -> do printfn "Process 1 finished first."
| _, Continue _ -> do printfn "Process 2 finished first."
| Paused p1_, Paused p2_ -> race (p1_ ()) (p2_ ())
let main _ =
let process_1 = get_process 1 5
let process_2 = get_process 2 7
do race process_1 process_2
Either of these implementations gives me the same output:
Process 1, step 5.
Process 2, step 7.
Process 1, step 4.
Process 2, step 6.
Process 1, step 3.
Process 2, step 5.
Process 1, step 2.
Process 2, step 4.
Process 1, step 1.
Process 2, step 3.
Process 1 finished.
Process 2, step 2.
Process 1 finished first.
I've made the two implementations as similar as possible to facilitate differencing. As far as I can tell, the only differences are these:
In the first version, yield_, PauseMonad.Return, and PauseMonad.Bind add delays to the return values. In the second version, PauseMonad.Return adds the delay inside the Paused wrapper.
In the first version, PauseMonad.Bind runs one step of the result process to see whether the return value matches Continue or Paused. In the second version, PauseMonad.Bind runs one step of the result process only after determining that it matches Paused.
In the first version, race runs one step of each process, checks that both results match Paused, and recurses with the remaining processes. In the second version, race checks that both processes match Paused, then runs one step of each process, and recurses with the return values of these steps.
Is there a reason the first version is better?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 177
Reputation: 243051
Converting code from Haskell to F# is a bit tricky, because Haskell is lazy and so whenever you see any value, say 'a
in Haskell, you could interpret it as unit -> 'a
(or more precisely, as Lazy<'a>
) - so everything is delayed implicitly.
But let's just compare the two definitions in F#:
// Process is always delayed
type Process1<'a> = unit -> 'a Step1
and Step1<'a> = Continue1 of 'a | Paused1 of 'a Process1
// Process is a value or a delayed computation
type Process2<'a> = Continue2 of 'a | Paused2 of (unit -> 'a Process2)
The key difference is that when you want to represent a computation that produces a value immediately, this has to be a fully evaluated value in the first case, but it can be a function that does something and returns a value in the second case. For example:
let primitive1 : Process1<int> = fun () ->
printfn "hi!" // This will print when the computation is evaluated
Continue1(42) )
let primitive2 : Process2<int> =
printfn "hi!" // This will print immediately and returns a monadic value
This becomes interesting when you add Delay
member to the computations, which lets you write things like the following without evaluating the side-effects:
process {
printfn "Hi" // Using Process1, we can easily delay this
// Using Process2, this is trickier (or we run it immediately)
return 42 }
There is lot to be said about this and you can find more information in a recent article I wrote about computation expressions.
Upvotes: 5