Reputation: 404
I am attempting to copy a page blob from one storage account to another. The copy operation starts and the I see the blob in the destination storage account - however progress is always stuck at 0. I am using the java SDK and generating a SAS for the source. The SAS appears valid because I was able to download the src blob from the browser. Here is some of the sample code I am using
CloudStorageAccount account = CloudStorageAccount.parse(storageConnectionString);
CloudBlobClient strClient = account.createCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer strBlobContainer = strClient.getContainerReference("data");
CloudStorageAccount backupAccount = CloudStorageAccount.parse(backupStorageConnectionString);
CloudBlobClient backupClient = backupAccount.createCloudBlobClient();
CloudBlobContainer backupBlobContainer = backupClient.getContainerReference("data");
String src = "SG-aztest10-703-disk-0-test.vhd";
String target = "Tool-test4.vhd"; srcBlob = strBlobContainer.getPageBlobReference(src, null); dstBlob = backupBlobContainer.getPageBlobReference(target, null);
System.out.println("Copying src blob " + " over dst blob " + dstBlob.getUri());
String copyID = dstBlob.startCopyFromBlob(new URI(getSharedAccessURI(src, null, strBlobContainer)));
System.out.println("Copy ID is " + copyID);
CopyState state = dstBlob.getProperties().getCopyState();
System.out.println("Progress is " + state.getBytesCopied()/state.getTotalBytes());
state = dstBlob.getProperties().getCopyState();
Here is the code I am using to generate the SAS token
public static String getSharedAccessURI(String blobName, String snapshotID, CloudBlobContainer container) throws Exception { //Get the srcBlob without the snapshot CloudPageBlob srcBlob = container.getPageBlobReference(blobName); SharedAccessBlobPolicy sasPolicy = new SharedAccessBlobPolicy();
//Start Time = Current Time (UTC) - 15 minutes to account for Clock Skew
//Expiry Time = Current Time (UTC) + 1 day
String sasToken = srcBlob.generateSharedAccessSignature(sasPolicy, null);
String sasURI = null;
if (snapshotID != null)
sasURI = String.format("%s?snapshot=%s&%s", srcBlob.getUri().toString(), snapshotID, sasToken);
sasURI = String.format("%s?%s", srcBlob.getUri().toString(), sasToken);
System.out.println("Shared access url is - " + sasURI);
return sasURI;
Upvotes: 1
Views: 616
Reputation: 2457
We use spare bandwidth to do async copies so the copy may not start until bandwidth is available. In that case, the copy progress field may remain 0 for quite some time while the copy status is pending. If the blob is small the progress field may go from 0 to complete in one shot as the copy is very fast. Even if the blob is large, your polling may miss the window during which the copy progress is between 0 and the content length.
Upvotes: 0