Reputation: 1955
I have created custom directive something like drop down but in my case items open in modal popup and after selection item will selected in div.
Now I added two directive (i.e. two instance of same directive) and using this two directive work as parent child way. I am getting item from rest api then assign to first directive(i.e. parent) and based on selection of first directive I am filtering another rest api then assign to second directive (i.e. child) which is working very good. But I wanted to reset value (selected item) of the second directive whenever change selection on first directive.
I added below code to my directive but it did not help me
controller: ['$scope', '$rootScope',
function($scope, $rootScope) {
$scope.$watch('value', function(val) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('valueChanged', $;
$scope.psChanged = function() {
$scope.$on('valueChanged', function(event, value) {
if (value === $ {
//Do nothing.
} else {
console.log("Text change");
My full working plunker
Can somebody help me to get it done !!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 248
Reputation: 1008
I added one more attribute in isolated scope, called isChild, when it`s true im listening for event valueChanged. So i bind even listener in controller without function psChanged, and it works.
angular.module('plexusSelect', []).directive('plexusSelect', ['$ionicModal', '$timeout', '$ionicScrollDelegate', '$rootScope',
function($ionicModal, $timeout, $ionicScrollDelegate, $rootScope) {
// Runs during compile
return {
scope: {
'items': '=',
'id': '@',
'text': '@',
'textIcon': '@',
'headerText': '@',
'textField': '=',
'valueField': '@',
'callback': '&',
'isChild' : '@'
require: 'ngModel',
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'plexusSelect.html',
controller: ['$scope', '$rootScope',
function($scope, $rootScope) {
$scope.$watch('value', function(val) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('valueChanged', $;
if ($scope.isChild === 'true') {
//$scope.psChanged = function() {
$scope.$on('valueChanged', function(event, value) {
if ($ === value) {
//Do nothing.
} else {
$scope.value = '';
$scope.text = $scope.defaultText;
console.log("Text change");
<ion-view view-title="Search" ng-controller='SearchCtrl'>
<plexus-select id="psDeparture" is-child='false' items="deptStations" header-text="Select Departure Station" text="Select departure..." text-icon="icon-takeoff" text-field="['City_Name_EN','City_Code']" value-field="City_Code" ng-model="deptStation.value"></plexus-select>
<plexus-select id="psArrival" is-child='true' items="arrStations" header-text="Select Arrival Station" text="Select arrival..." text-icon="icon-landing" text-field="['Destination.City_Name_EN','Destination.City_Code']" value-field="Destination.City_Code" ng-model="arrStation.value"></plexus-select>
Upvotes: 2