Reputation: 23
I have a vector of maps, that I'd like to transform in a nested fashion.
The data is structured as follows:
(def data
[{:id 1 :name "a" :parent 0}
{:id 2 :name "b" :parent 0}
{:id 3 :name "c" :parent 0}
{:id 4 :name "a_1" :parent 1}
{:id 5 :name "a_2" :parent 1}
{:id 6 :name "b_1" :parent 2}
{:id 7 :name "a_1_1" :parent 4}])
Each map has an :id
, some other keys and values not important for this discussion, and :parent
key, denoting if the elements belong to another element. If :parent
is 0, it's a top level element.
I want to nest this flattened list so that each element belonging to a parent gets stored under a key :nodes
in the parent map, like this:
(def nested
[{:id 1 :name "a" :parent 0 :nodes
[{:id 4 :name "a_1" :parent 1 :nodes []}
{:id 5 :name "a_2" :parent 1 :nodes
[{:id 7 :name "a_1_1" :parent 4 :nodes []}]}]}
{:id 2 :name "b" :parent 0 :nodes
[{:id 6 :name "b_1" :parent 2}]}
{:id 3 :name "c" :parent 0 :nodes []}])
To sum up - I have a flattened tree-like structure that I whish to transform into a tree again. I tried to achieve this using zippers, but failed to handle arbritarily nested levels.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 586
Reputation: 7949
The easiest way is to build it recursively by performing a full scan at each step:
(defn tree
(tree flat-nodes 0))
([flat-nodes parent-id]
(for [node flat-nodes
:when (= (:parent node) parent-id)]
(assoc node
:nodes (tree flat-nodes (:id node))))))
and then
=> (tree data)
({:parent 0, :name "a", :nodes
({:parent 1, :name "a_1", :nodes
({:parent 4, :name "a_1_1", :nodes (), :id 7}), :id 4}
{:parent 1, :name "a_2", :nodes (), :id 5}), :id 1}
{:parent 0, :name "b", :nodes
({:parent 2, :name "b_1", :nodes (), :id 6}), :id 2}
{:parent 0, :name "c", :nodes (), :id 3})
(defn tree [flat-nodes]
(let [children (group-by :parent flat-nodes)
nodes (fn nodes [parent-id]
(map #(assoc % :nodes (nodes (:id %)))
(children parent-id)))]
(nodes 0)))
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 3418
Another option is to convert your child parent relationships to an adjacency list and then traverse the acyclic directed graph.
(defn adjacency-list [coll]
(reduce (fn [r {p :parent c :id}]
(-> r
(update-in [:counts p] #(or % 0))
(update-in [:counts c] #(if % (inc %) 1))
(update-in [:adjacency p] #(if % (conj % c) [c]))))
(defn get-data [k]
(first (filter #(= (:id %) k) data)) )
(defn traverse [m al roots]
(reduce (fn [r k]
(conj r
(assoc (get-data k)
:nodes (if-let [v (get al k)]
(traverse [] al v)
(let [{:keys [adjacency]} (adjacency-list data)]
(traverse [] adjacency (get adjacency 0))))
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6073
Such a tree has to be built from the bottom up, so we need a function that will split a seq of nodes into leaves and inner ones:
(defn split-leaves
(let [parent-id? (set (map :parent nodes))]
(comp #(if % :inner :leaves) parent-id? :id)
The next step is attaching all leaves to their parents:
(defn attach-leaves
[inner leaves]
(let [leaves-by-parent (group-by :parent leaves)]
(fn [{:keys [id] :as node}]
(update-in node [:nodes] concat (leaves-by-parent id)))
Those two steps have to be repeated until there are only leaves left:
(defn generate
[nodes root-id]
(loop [nodes (conj nodes {:id root-id})]
(let [{:keys [leaves inner]} (split-leaves nodes)]
(if (seq inner)
(recur (attach-leaves inner leaves))
(some #(when (= (:id %) root-id) (:nodes %)) leaves)))))
Note that we have to add and remove a virtual root node for this to work since your original set of nodes did not contain one (that's why the function expects the root node's ID).
(generate data 0)
;; => ({:parent 0, :name "c", :id 3}
;; {:parent 0, :name "b",
;; :nodes ({:parent 2, :name "b_1", :id 6}),
;; :id 2}
;; {:parent 0, :name "a",
;; :nodes ({:parent 1, :name "a_2", :id 5}
;; {:parent 1, :name "a_1",
;; :nodes ({:parent 4, :name "a_1_1", :id 7}),
;; :id 4}),
;; :id 1})
Upvotes: 1