
Reputation: 13063

How to stop CMake appending C compiler flags

I converted an old style makefile to a CMake CMakeLists.txt file so that I can load a project into JetBrain's new CLion IDE.

I thought it would be easy, but I'm stuck at the point of CMake appending some custom compiler flags to the compilation command which cause a compilation error. I don't have enough knowledge of CMake to solve this issue.

Here is the original makefile.

# makefile

# Main Filename to be compiled
MAINFILE = TestProgram

# Paths
DRIVE           := C:
GELROOT         := $(DRIVE)/library/gel-hc1x-1.6.1

# Compiler, Linker, Object Copy, and Object Dump path
CC      := $(COMPILERPATH)/m6811-elf-gcc        # compiler
OC      := $(COMPILERPATH)/m6811-elf-objcopy    # object copy
OD      := $(COMPILERPATH)/m6811-elf-objdump    # object dump

# Includes

# Compiler Flags
CFLAGS  += -Os                  # turn on optimizer
CFLAGS  += -mshort              # consider type int to be 16 bits
CFLAGS  += -Wl,-m,m68hc11elfb   # build for elf file and use memory.x for memory map
CFLAGS  += -I. $(GELINCLUDES)   # Add current dir and gel library for includes
CFLAGS  += -Dmc6811             # Add define to define the processor architecture for gel includes

# C Source codes to be compiled
SRC2 = Interrupts.c
SRC3 = Utilities.c

# C Header files dependencies
HDR2 = Interrupts.h
HDR3 = Utilities.h

SRCS = $(SRC1) $(SRC2) $(SRC3)

HDRS = $(HDR1) $(HDR2) $(HDR3)

# Elf file to be generated
ELF1 = $(SRC1:.c=.elf)

# Generate Bin file for programming & Assembly dump
$(MAINFILE).bin : $(ELF1)
    $(OC) -O binary $(ELF1) $(MAINFILE).bin
    $(OD) -xDC --section=.text --section=.vectors $(ELF1) >$(MAINFILE).dump

# Full compile and link
$(ELF1) : $(SRCS) $(HDRS)
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(ELF1) $(SRCS)

clean ::
    del *.dump
    del *.elf
    del *.bin

And here is my attempt at the CMakeLists.txt file.

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.4)

# program names
set(HC11C    m6811-elf-gcc.exe)
set(OBJCOPY  m6811-elf-objcopy.exe)
set(OBJDUMP  m6811-elf-objdump.exe)

# Important project paths
set(LIB_INC_PATH "C:/library/gel-hc1x-1.6.1/include"
set(HC11C_PATH   "C:/GNUHC11/bin")

# Sets the compiler
# Needs to come before the project function
set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER   "${HC11C_PATH}/${HC11C}")

set(MAIN_FILE "TestProgram")                

# Files to be compiled
set(INC_PATH     "${BASE_PATH}")
set(SRC_PATH     "${BASE_PATH}")


# Attempt to clear the other spurious compiler flags that I don't want, 
# and which cause a compiler arguments error.
# This doesn't seem to work - the defaults still appear.
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG             "")
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE           "")

# Compiler flags
set(CWARN     "-Wl,-m,m68hc11elfb")         # build for elf file and use memory.x for memory map
set(CTUNING   "-mshort")                    # consider type int to be 16 bits
set(COPT      "-Os")                        # turn on optimizer
set(CDEFS     "-Dmc6811")                   # Add define to define the processor architecture for gel includes
set(CFILES    "${MAIN_FILE}.c Interrupts.c Utilities.c")



# Project setup
include_directories(${INC_PATH} ${LIB_INC_PATH})
add_executable(${MAIN_FILE} ${SRC_FILES})
set_target_properties(${MAIN_FILE} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "${MAIN_FILE}.elf")

# Compiling targets
add_custom_target(main ALL ${OBJCOPY} -O binary "${MAIN_FILE}.elf" "${MAIN_FILE}.bin"  DEPENDS ${MAIN_FILE})
add_custom_target(dump ALL ${OBJDUMP} -xDC --section=.text --section=.vectors "${MAIN_FILE}.elf" > "${MAIN_FILE}.dump" DEPENDS main)

set_directory_properties(PROPERTIES ADDITIONAL_MAKE_CLEAN_FILES "${MAIN_FILE}.dump;${MAIN_FILE}.elf;${MAIN_FILE}.bin")

# Config logging
message("* ")
message("* Project Name:\t${PROJECT_NAME}")
message("* Project Source:\t${SRC_PATH}")
message("* Project Include:\t${INC_PATH}")
message("* Library Include:\t${LIB_INC_PATH}")
message("* ")
message("* Project Source Files:\t${SRC_FILES}")
message("* MAIN_FILE variable:\t${MAIN_FILE}")
message("* ")
message("* C Flags:\t${CMAKE_C_FLAGS}")
message("* ")

Here is the generated compilation command:

C:\GNUHC11\bin\m6811-elf-gcc.exe "-xc" "-Dmc6811" "-Os" "-Wl,-m,m68hc11elfb" "-mshort" "TestProgram.c" "Interrupts.c" "Utilities.c" "-IC:\\DEVELO~1\\source" "-IC:\\library\\gel-hc1x-1.6.1\\include" "-IC:\\library\\gel-hc1x-1.6.1\\include\\asm-m68hc11\\arch-32k" "-v" "-dD" "-E" "-D___CIDR_IGNORE_DEFINITIONS_START"

It would work but for the auto appended "-E" compiler flag at the end which I don't want. The other appended flags "-v" "-dD" and '-D___CIDR..." are also unwanted but do not cause a compilation error like "-E" does. How can I turn these appended flags off?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Upvotes: 3

Views: 2557

Answers (2)


Reputation: 589

There doesn't seem to be too much information on this one, but I also ran into this issue. In cmake if you do something like

target_compile_options(game PRIVATE /W4 /WX /wd4100 /wd4200 /wd4201 /FAs /EHsc /Gh /GH)

this will add those options for all compilers in that target.

You can use a generator if you want to add language specific options, so I changed it to:

target_compile_options(game PRIVATE
        $<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:C>:/W4 /WX /wd4100 /wd4200 /wd4201 /FAs /EHsc /Gh /GH>)

which works.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 4869

It seems you are cross-compiling, so the preferred cmake configuration is a bit different than normal.

See for details, pay attention to the "toolchain file".

I have no idea regarding the auto-appended flags.

You can also have a look at the generated CMakeCache.txt file, either with any editor, from CLion itself, or with cmake-gui.

Remember that CLion copies your CMakeLists.txt in a funky temporary directory and runs cmake off the temporary directory, if you want to look at CMakeCache.txt by hand.

What I suggest is to put aside CLion while you are debugging the CMakeLists.txt, and just use cmake or cmake-gui directly from the shell.

Don't give up, both cmake and CLion are two very good programs IMHO :-)

Upvotes: 1

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