Reputation: 11
I have a problem, I don't know why the program doesn't work correctly.
When I run the program and I insert atom c
, then the program calls function io:read()
Thank you for your help and I'm sorry for my English.
-export([run/0, convert/2]).
run() ->
run(true) ->
{ok, Choice} = io:read("Convert to degrees Celsius or convert to degrees Fahrenheit? c/f :"),
{ok, Temp} = io:read("Insert temperature: "),
{UnitTemp, Convert} = convert(Choice, Temp),
io:format("The converted temperature: ~f ~s\n", [Convert, UnitTemp]),
{ok, Continue} = io:read("New temperature? true/false :"),
run(false) ->
convert(c, Fahrenheit) -> {'Celsius', 5 * (Fahrenheit - 32) / 9};
convert(f, Celsius) -> {'Fahrenheit', 9 * Celsius / 5 + 32}.
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Views: 828
Reputation: 9299
reads a term, so it does not stop, until you finish your term with .
1> io:read("Enter term: ").
Enter term: {foo, bar}.
2> io:read("This will give error: ").
This will give error: }foo
This will give error: .
{error,{1,erl_parse,["syntax error before: ","'}'"]}}
So you can simply type c.
Alternatively, you can use io:get_chars/2
if you don't want to type the dot. The first argument is prompt and second one is number of chars to read, so in your case, it will be:
io:get_chars("prompt ", 1).
prompt c
Remember, that after typing c, you still have to hit enter and now, you should pattern match on string "c"
instead of atom c
Upvotes: 1