Reputation: 781
I'm trying to create my own lightbox script where I can pass the variables (title, description, itemtype, itemid, etc.) in clean formatting like this (inspired by fancybox):
title: "My title",
description: "My description"
Clicking on a certain element prepends some HTML to a div with jQuery.
I have adapted a piece of code I found on Stackoverflow and "kind of" understand the code. The top function has not been changed and worked before I edited the bottom code, to that I added click(function() { }
because in the example the code was executed on pageload.
However, when I click my H1 element the firebug console tells me ReferenceError: popup is not defined
This is my Javascript:
$(document).ready(function() {
(function ($) {
$.fn.popup = function (options) {
var settings = $.extend({
title: function (someData) {
return someData;
description: function (someData) {
return someData;
}, options);
"<div style=\"position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;background:#FFFFFF;\">\
<h1>"+ settings.title +"</h1>\
<p>" + settings.description +"</p>\
$(".openbox1").click(function() {
title: "Title 1",
description: "Description 1"
$(".openbox2").click(function() {
title: "Title 2",
description: "Description 2"
This is my HTML
<div id="content">
<h1 class="openbox1">open box 1</h1>
<h1 class="openbox2">open box 2</h1>
Upvotes: 1
Views: 252
Reputation: 22580
First off, what you did, and I hope this helps:
// This, of course is same as "document.onload"
// Don't confuse it with "window.onload"
// wich will wait till WHOLE dom is loaded to run any script
$(document).ready(function() {
(function ($) {
// This is, in essence, the start of a jQuery plugin
// This is often referred to as the "quick and dirty setup"
// as it's a direct call to add a method to jQuery's
// element object. Meaning it can be recalled as
// $(element).popup().
// This should not be confused with $.popup = function
// which would just add a method to jQuery's core object
$.fn.popup = function (options) {
var settings = $.extend({
$(".openbox1").click(function() {
// here is where your issue comes in
// as previously noted, you did not create a
// method named "popup".
// you added a method to jQuery's Element Object
// called "popup".
// This is why `$(this).popup` works and
// plain `popup` does not.
// You're inside an "event" asigned to any element
// having class name `openbox1`. Thus, any call
// in here to `this`, will reference that element
Secondly, a different example of how to write it. I won't say better because, even if I say my way is better, it wouldn't make your "corrected" way wrong. In Javascript, as the old saying goes, There's more than one way to skin a cat
// Notice I'm adding this plugin BEFORE the document load.
// This means, you could easily add this to a file and load it
// in script tags like any other Javascript,
// as long as it's loaded AFTER jquery.
(function($) {
// this ensures that your plugin name is available and not previously added to jQuery library
if (!$.popup) {
// this also provides us "variable scope" within to work in
// here begin adding the plugin to jQuery
// I started with $.extend, so it can be added to the jQuery library and used in traditional format
// $.popup('element selector', { options })
// as well as the element.action format we'll add later
// $.(element selector).popup({ options })
// This should help give you a good idea of the whole of what all is going on
popup: function() {
var ele = arguments[0], // this is our jQuery element
args =, 1); // this gets the rest of the arguments
// this next step is useful if you make the traditional call `$.popup(this, { options })`
if (!(ele instanceof jQuery)) ele = $(ele);
// now we have total control! Bwahahha!
// Fun aside, here is where it's good to check if you've already asigned this plugin
// if not, then make some "marker", so you can recall the element plugin and comment an
// action instead of reinitializing it
if (!'popup')) $.popup.init(ele, args);
else {
// at this point, you would know the element already has this plugin initialized
// so here you could change an initial options
// like how with jQueryUI, you might would call:
// $(element).popup('option', 'optionName', value)
return ele;
// here is where we add the $(element selector).popup method
// this simply adds the method to the element object
// If you don't fully understand what's going on inside (as I explain below),
// just know that it's some "fancy footwork" to pass the method onto our initial
// method creation, $.popup
popup: function(/*no need for parameter names here as arguments are evaluated inside and passed on to initial method*/) {
// set this element as first argument to fit with initial plugin method
var args = [$(this)];
// if there are arguments/params/options/commands too be set, add them
if (arguments.length) for (x in arguments) args.push(arguments[x]);
// pass through jquery and our arguments, end result provides same arguments as if the call was:
// $.popup($(element), options)
return $.popup.apply($, args);
// This next part is not seen in many plugins but useful depending on what you're creating
$.popup.init = function(ele, opt) {
// here is where we'll handle the "heavy work" of establishing a plugin on this element
// Start with setting the options for this plugin.
// This means extending the default options to use any passed in options
// In the most simple of cases, options are passed in as an Oject.
// However, that's not always the case, thus the reason for this being
// a continued array of our arguments from earlier.
// We'll stick with the simplest case for now, your case, that the only options are an
// Object that was passed in.
// using the extend method, with true, with a blank object,
// allows us to added the new options "on top" of the default ones, without changing the default ones
// oh and the "true" part just tells extend to "dig deep" basically (multideminsional)
if (opt && typeof opt[0] == 'object') opt = $.extend(true, {}, $.popup.defaults, opt[0]);
var par = opt.parent instanceof jQuery ? opt.parent : $('body'),
tit = opt.title,
des = opt.description,
// this last one will be the wrapper element we put everything in
// you have this in yours, but it's written in a very long way
// this is jQuery simplified
wrap = $('<div />', { style: 'position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;background:#FFFFFF;' }),
// much like the previous element, cept this is where our title goes
head = $('<h1 />', { text: tit }).appendTo(wrap),
content = $('<p />', { text: des }).appendTo(wrap);
// finally, add our marker i mentioned earlier'popup', opt);
// just adding the following cause i noticed there is no close
// fyi, i would change this plugin a little and make an actial "open" command, but that's another tutorial
var closer = $('<span />', { text: '[x]', style: 'cursor:pointer;position:absolute;bottom:1em;right:1em;' });
wrap.append(closer); {'popup', false); wrap.remove(); });
$.popup.defaults = { // establish base properties here that can be over-written via .props, but their values should never truly change
'parent': undefined, // added this to keep it dynamic, instead of always looking for an element ID'd as content
title: '',
description: ''
// the following is basically jQuery shorthand for document.ready
$(function() {
// i think you get the rest
$(".openbox1").on('click', function(e) {
title: "Title 1",
description: "Description 1",
parent: $("#content")
$(".openbox2").on('click', function(e) {
title: "Title 2",
description: "Description 2",
parent: $("#content")
<script src=""></script>
<div id="content">
<h1 class="openbox1">open box 1</h1>
<h1 class="openbox2">open box 2</h1>
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 781
A. Wolff commented that I need to execute the function like this:
$(".openbox1").click(function() {
This fixed it, thanks!
Upvotes: 2